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She will forever say
I got this.
Even with tears in her


I wake up chained to a chair in a ring, with a pounding headache, I shack my head a bit the turn around quickly when I see my friends locked in cages, there all awake and there hurt  I gasp when i see Natasha's state, she's holding her leg there's a cut on her forehead and her neck is very red along with buries and dust, they all have buries and dust and tiny cuts on them but natasha is hurt the most

"Nat! Nat! Is she ok!" I say to natasha then look up to the others and they look at me with sympathy then worry that I'm up and not in a cage like them

I don't think much of it, that is until hydra agents come in holding Andrew, his hands in chains, he's beat up badly

"Andrew! What did you do! He was on your side, dumbasses!" I yell at them but they don't respond they just throw him on the floor and he dose nothing to stop it

"We have a proposal" the say and I look up at then with spite, the avengers aren't talking

"What." I snap

"We get are weapon back and he will be fine" they say then walk back over to him and hold him down and agent s. Steps out and puts a knife to his throat "or we kill him and take you anyway"

I don't respond, am I really that selfish to let them kill my best friend? Am I really that weak? I got out before could i do it again?

They get tired of waiting and sink the knife closer to his skin

"No! No! Stop! Please!" I lean forward to yell to make my voice louder then I but my bottom lip when I feel tears threaten to leave my eyes and I blink them away

"I-" I start them take a breath "ill.." I stutter pondering on my choice and so Andrew speaks

"Don't! Ally! You got out! Live your life!" He yells to me and the tears come back

"But you'll die" I plead him my voice cracking why is he accepting it?! I think to myself

"I don't care" he shrugs and smiles lightly at Me, a tear finally leaves my eye

" NEED YOU ANDY, ITS ME AND YOU NOW, DONT LEAVE!" I yell through my tears, my sadness, but he just shacks his head and smiles, he's about to talk one more time but agent s. Gets tired of waiting and kills him anyway, blood drips out of Andrew's mouth, and out off his neck, and he smiles the whole time, until his soul leaves his body

I scream at the top of lungs tears gushing out of my eyes

"I. Will. kill. You. All!" I yell trying to wiggle out of the chains

Agent s. Walks up to me still holding the knife, he lifts my chin with his hand, I spit on his shoes breathing heavily as the tears soon dry to my face, but all he dose is look down then slap my face, I stare at him with a blood lust in my eyes

"You've gone soft, there's no need for you anymore, I have a new weapon, and your friends will watch as she kills you." He says then just as fast as my tears came, my eyes closed and I was knocked out.

When I wake I'm no longer in my chair and I look back to see my team still in there cells, natasha slightly passing out, while the others a talking softly

"We'll get out." I say through gritted teeth and they turn there heads to me "I've done it before, I can do it again, only this time will be harder." I say

"Alyson, this times diffrent, your the one locked up" Steve says

"No!'s my fault were here! It's my fault hes dead! It's my...f-fault" I look down and a new tear slips nut I wipe it away and look back up natasha looks at me sympatheticly

"None of its your fault ally" She says quietly and exhausted but with meaning

Just then the agents come back with another agent, the cereal killer from the news, I turn and stand up, the masked cereal killers mask is now taken off, my breath freezes in place my body stops, I'm frozen in time. She girl with raven hair, emotionless face, and slightly pale body steps in the middle just a few feet in front of me, and I know her.

"Selina..." I chock out



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