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My weakness.
My partner.
My lover.
My fault.


Both girls hug me as I cry out in there arms, as my hope dies away and into sorrow, and my sorrow becomes a want for vengeance.

As I calm down, and wipe my tears, then pick myself up. And taking a breath

"I'm sorry- I'm just.." I breath out "I can't do this, she kept me sane she kept me in check the only reason I won was because she made me be the killer they wanted me to be, she- i- we-" I'm at a loss for words as I try and apologize while looking at them both my words go from a normal paste to faster then a human mind can comprehend so both girls Shh me at the same time then with a sympathetic smile natasha starts talking

"It's's not your fault, never apologize for that..ok?" She says sternly but also with a touch of a careing voice

"O-ok.." my answer is slow but positive as my head dose a quick shack

Both girls then leave me to my thoughts and Wanda apologizes for going into my mind which I say it was ok even if it wasn't quite. I then get up off the floor and go back onto my bed looking and stareing at the ceiling, I get lost in my thought mapping put the design of the ceiling with my head

"Friday?" I call out, and just as quickly as a breath, the AI responded

"Yes, miss.alyson?" Friday asks

"Am I allowed to paint the walls or ceiling of my room?" I answer Friday with my question

"Yes. There are paints down in lab 3, it may take awhile to find. Dr.banner and mr.stark don't use it" Friday informs me and I respond with a "ok" before getting up and walking to lab 3

I get a box of paints and paint brushes then head back to my room and get she's started, I paint a base coat, let it dry and then start my design I make a flower covering the middle, the flower is a dark grey and fades white

After letting it dry I'm called to dinner so I head to the kitchen where I'm met by everyone either seated or getting a plate of food

Once I fill my plate with food I sit at the last seat empty, I'm in-between peter and Wanda then natasha is across from me, great the two people I told everything about me are next to me I think to myself and roll my eyes

When I see people start to eat there food I start to eat mine, everyone talks to one  another, while I just sit and look down at the food that I picked, I eat it fast then put my plate in the sink as I'm about to leave the room Tony calls out to me

"You ok kid?" He asks with sympathy in his voice so I throw a smile on and turn to the team

"Never been better, I just wanted to paint my ceiling, so I'm in a rush, an idea poped in my head" I lie

"Ok, have fun" he says buying my lie and I turn around then walk to my room

I floop on my bed and let out a breath of air then close my eyes and I listen to the noises around me until I fall asleep.

It's been a long day, a hectic one, but I'm glad it's over, I have training work natasha and Wanda tomorrow aswell as meeting fury so a good night sleep is all I need.


Cause it's new years yall get 2 then 1 in the after noon

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