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I was in the
Darkness I became.


"Oh no, she's not Selina anymore, you see we took her freewill away, and made her are puppet, she is are toy to control, and I've have fun with her" he says with a smirk  and turns around, him and his guys leaving "Oh and kiddo, if you so much as try to escape" he clicks a button and I turn around when I hear my team start screaming in pain, being electrocuted, he takes his finger away "kill her." Ge says to Selina then leaves

And she runs at me, I dodge her hit yelling her name trying hard to get her to know it's me but it dosent work, this fight is a rematch and I won't hurt her anymore, she's not asking me to kill her like la at time. She fighting against her will. Every hit I dodge until I don't

She hits me over and over then finally yells "fight back!" She says with anger

"No.." I say out of breath. She didn't like that so she hit me to the ground

She strattled me and held my in place,  hiting me in the face over and over,  I could here the avengers telling at me to fight back but I didn't I wouldn't

Sge was flung off me by wanda who them screamed after she used her powers, she yelled at me to fight but I just stood up and looked at her, then it clicked and I smiled but it wasn't joy

"I know how to save her.." I say loud enough for them to here

"What?!" They all yell and I just smile at them

"Steve got bucky out by there saying correct?" I ask no one in particular and natasha just nods

"Alright." I say then turn around to see Selina standing up shackly

"Alyson?...what are you going to do?" Wanda asks wearly

"What she won't let me do." I say and peter gasps understanding but the others look confused then catch on

"Alyson she's under mind control! She's a puppet! She won't get out of that state!" Peter says and Wanda nods

"Wait I'm sorry what's her plan?" Tony and Sam ask Selina is about to start her way to me again

"She's going to kill herself" Peter says annoyed and sad with my plan

"No, she just needs to snap out before I die" I say and roll my eyes then grab the knife I put in my bra and hold it into my right hand and smile at Selina

"Your betting your life on a guess!" Natasha yells at me

"Yep" I say in a slight whisper "I know your in there selina." Anf she finally meets my face I dodge her punch and go to the other side off the mat away from her

She gets angry at the way I'm looking at her and yells at me again

"Whip your smug look off your face!" She yells and runs at me again to which I run back to my side of the net before she can hit me

"Go ahead." I say to her she freezes for a second

"Hu?" She says the. Runs at me again but once again I run to the other side of the mat

"Your my joy, you make me crazy and sad and you make me mad..." I start and she starts running at me again

"Shut up!" She yells and I run near the cells of my friends

"You'll always be..." I breath in and hear her start to run at me again, the world feels like it's in slow motion "I love you smarter pea.." I the ln take my knife and slice my wrists, I soon get light headed, just as shes about to punch me in the face she stops and stares at me in shock and I fall to the ground


"W-why would you do this?!" I question seeing if she is still breathing and I look at her friends

"I-i I'll be right back!" I yell to them and go and grab sticking stuff

I run faster than ever bakc to her, her friends look at me worried

"Ok ummm" I bit my bottom lip "how do i- shit- i-" I stutter then feel a hand on me and lok up at a red head she smiles sympatheticly at me then starts talking

"Take the needle, go to her wrists and go from the first to the next" I do as she says then put a badge on her wrists and give her water

In a few seconds she jolts up, and are faces meet, I grab her cheek and kiss her passionately I kiss her as if the world is ending, as if it's the last time, as if forever won't last...

I pull away and smile at her and she smiles at me

"I knew you wouldn't let me die." She giggles and I slap her playfully then help her up

I grab a key and unlock her friends freeing them, then me qbd Alyson talk on the side

We talk about one of are plans choosing the one that'll work best, then nod to each other and she turns to her friends


"Alright, you guys get the files, then head to the jet using the vents there's paper leading you to the back entrance follow it, if I'm not back in time and hydra agents start coming your way, leave immediately and I'm not kidding" I say to them and before they could respond

I hug them all and run off yelling back to them


"Now go!" Alyson yells to us and the avengers head to the vents

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