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I wanna
Not just


me and peter walk into a donut shop, I'm kinda confused until I see Ned and mj, Ned is sitting on a corner and mj is working, peter leads me to his friend

"Ned Alyson, Alyson Ned" he says and I wave to the nerd, soon after mj comes over

"My shifts almost done, then we can go to the movies" She says "mj" she sticks out her hand for me to shack

"Alyson, nice to finally meet both" I say to both of them and shake mjs hand

Peter's friends are nicer than I thought they'd be, at least to a 14 year old girl, I thought because there 16 they'd treat me like some kid who dosent know anything but nope they treat me like someone there age and I respect that

After getting to know eachother, mj getting yelled at by her boss, we head to the movies, I don't rember what it was called but it was a good one, I'm glad my first movie trip was with peter, it was fun seeing his excitement to the movie and the events, mj had told me that this movie was apart of Peter's favorite movie series, and I quite liked the movie it was interesting nonetheless

After word peter took me to his aunts, and all I can say is that his aunt is like the fun aunt of the family, I love his aunt she's so nice and kind and encouraging and funny it was the best time I had today

I had forgotten about the mission and about my theorys and about my worries, I just had fun today and I needed it, but when we got back to the compound my worries, everything came bakc to me and I had to pretend with my happiness again

We all stayed up having one more movie night before we had to get up and train them leave for the mission the next day, so we watched mean girls and lots of star wars then Disney princess movies, then call it a night

The next day we just train, and train, and train. Making sure we're ready for this next mission

We give are body's a break after 5 hours, and are done for the rest of the day, all prepared for the next day, this mission I'm dreading, this mission everyone needs done. The mission I've been waiting for, the one I got out for.

The rest of the day we all relax, preparing are minds mentally, and are body's physically. I'm sounding dramatic, like I'm going to war, but you don't go to war, war comes to you, and not on a wimb, you don't prepare for it, it comes when fate wants it to come, when people sick and tired of being pushed around, it comes when it has to not when your ready for it.

But the thing is we're not going to war, we're getting are information back. Then burning to place down to the ground, we're not planing on fighting unless we have to.

But the lust I have for fighting and taking down the base that kept me a prisoner is something I need to stop, something I need to calm.

So that's exactly what I'm doing, calming my mind, getting control over it, and I do that, the rest of the day, talking when I talked to, eating when I need to, but not staying longer than i would like

The next day when I wake up I get dressed and head down to the kitchen,  I eat cereal talk to the others who are awake, we have a good time, the morning us spent with chatting then at 11o'clock the people going on the mission start to get ready

We all meet up at the jet at 1:24pm then we head off to the hydra dase, all focused on the objective at hand, we know the plan and we're ready to put it to play, before we are bear arrival Tony gose over the plan not as good as Steve dose it but good enough for peter to understand then the rest of us catch on

When we land, I lead everyone to a back entrance without being spotted, when we get inside we split up into groups me,tony, and sam while natasha,wanda, and peter go together, we said we'd meet at the cellars, which is near the control room which holds the files on sheild aka the objective of are mission

Luck for me I knew every corner of this place do we darkly ran into anyone, although I did at one point get an odd feeling but when I heard the others fighting over coms it went away

We did fight some people but no one of importance, when we got to the control room we reported it over coms and started looking for the file, after a minute or two natasha and her group came in, slightly winded and bruised from fighting but after coaching there breaths started to help us look

"You guys look like shit" I commented when they walked in and they just rolled there eyes

"Oh I'm sorry you took the pussy route" natasha says annoyed and Tony scoffs

"No I just grew up here and know my way away from people, there's this tunnel sys..tem-" I say system slowly as I start to catch on why we didn't see many people and I looked around anxiously "they know we're here." I say in a panic everyone stops and looks at me confused "the- there wasn't any-" then lights went out and so did I

The last thing I rember feeling is the head with a gun, and I heard grunts before I got knocked out


Sorry this one sucks, it's like a quick summary chapter I hate it but I couldn't think of how to make a unique chapter about them training then relaxing, so this is the best I got I'm also having a slight bit of rights block but thankfully were nearing the ending of the book

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