Chapter 9- The assessment test part 1

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The next few days were pretty regular and Yua gained closer friendships with her classmates. But because of when Bakugo yelled at Yua she had been avoiding him. She was afraid that she had overstepped her boundaries. She was even leaving her house at a different time each day just so they wouldn't bump into each other on the way to school, considering that they lived on the same street.

I guess I really messed up. He seems like the type of person who wants to be secluded and doesn't think they need friends. Why didn't I just take the signs and a reason to let him be.

Yua was thinking of how much Bakugo must have hated her now. 

Currently she was sitting in her homeroom desk. She was looking around the room and looking at her classmates. Specifically the guys. 

How are they all so ripped? I can literally see the muscles through the uniform. Not to mention their faces. Like, is it even legal for this many hot people in the room? Take Todoroki for example. How could someone be so hot? So cute at the same time? But then he also has a mysterious personality that attracts all the girls. Then there are Kirishima and Denki. They are cute little beans with amazing personalities. It just gets annoying with Kaminari constantly flirting with me. I feel someone to the left of me nudge me with their elbow. Can't forget Bakugo. This man had the muscles and the attractiveness of his face. Does he have a girlfriend? Do any of my classmates have partners?

Yua turns in her seat towards Mina, who had just gotten her attention. "Yua...your cheeks are pink. 

Yua immediately glows even more and covers it up with her arms. How embarrassing she just got caught red...cheeked? You know instead of red handed? Ha.ha...ha.

Mina giggles and returns her attention span back to her paper in front of her. Yua peeked her eyes through her hands and was watching Mr. Aizawa sleepily teach the class. 

Once her was done with the lecture he reminded the children of the quirk assessment test. 

"Class dismissed." 


Yua walked into the lunch rush cafeteria and was immediately overwhelmed by the energy in the room. 

So many people with quirks surrounding her. Yua sat down at the table and held her head in her hands. 

I don't think I can eat right now.

Mina looked at her, concerned, and placed a hand on her back, rubbing it up and down in a soothing motion. "What's wrong, Yua?" The people at the table turned to look at her, concerned expressions on their faces. 

"It's just with all of the people in's overwhelming from all of the energy. Just give me a minute and my body will adjust." Mina nods, understanding. 

After about ten minutes of trying to cope with the energy, Yua feels a wave of relief wash over her as her body untenses. She lets out a sigh she didn't know she was holding in and looks up from the table, happy. 

"Much better. It mostly just depends on the day and how much energy I am exposed to. Usually I have been used to it having to deal with everyone in the classes energy but I guess I am adapting to that so my guard for the cafeteria didn't hold up." Yua states and then joins in on some conversation with her friends. 

"We should hang out this weekend!" Mina interrupts, suggesting that the 'Bakusquad' has a sleepover. "I have learned that Yua is LOADED with cash and she has a sizeable house." 

"MINA!" Yua exclaims, wide eyes at her. "You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" She says in hushed tone, punching Mina in the shoulder with a medium amount of force.

Feelings? (Bakugo x Oc)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt