Chapter 8-Mall trip with Mina

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"By the way I LOVE your outfit." 

"I thought you would." Yua giggles.

"Which store should we head to first? You said you needed somethings right?"

"Yea. I need a few new clothes and I am going to get a few groceries."

What girl doesn't constantly need to go shopping for clothes? Am I right? No? Just me? Okay..

"Yay! Clothes shopping!" Mina says as they walk into the hustle and bustle of the mall. 


Mina was pulling Yua inside of multiple different stores. Yua was forced by her friend to try on multiple clothing items and accessories. 

"Oooh Yua we should go in that jewelry store!" Mina pointed to a store that basically yelled out 'shiny, diamonds'. "Let's just take a look. It's not like we can afford anything in there anyways." She grabs her hand and begins to drag her again. 

"Okay Okay I'm going." Yua laughs out following the pink girl.

Mina seemed to be jumping around the store and Yua was walking along the side of the tables and admiring all of the shiny jewels and stones. 

"Hey Yua look over here!" Mina had found a gorgeous diamond bracelet that twinkled in the stores light. 

"Do you want it?" Yua askes her.

Mina looked at her like she just got released from a physic ward. 

"Are you CRAZY!! Look at the price?!?! Do you thing I could afford that?!?"

"Well I didn't ask if you wanted to buy it now did I?" Yua said with her hands on her hips and leaned in to see the price. "It's not that much." 


"Shush quit yelling. I'm getting it for you and that's it. I also found this necklace that I like so I'm also getting that now let's go."

"Oh...My...gosh...YUA YOU'RE UBER RICH!!!" 

Yua widened her eyes and put a hand over Mina's mouth. "SHHHH...please don't tell anyone. I-I don't want anyone to look at me differently. Plus usually I don't spend this much of my parents hard earned money but my father insists." Yua gets a monthly allowance from her father that is sent straight to her banking account. She usually doesn't use this money but she had a lot saved up and she decided that today she would spend about half of it.

Mina stuck her tongue out and licked Yua's hand. She let out an 'Ew' then wiped off her hand on the pink girls jacket. "Fine fine...but do you know what this means!?!?" 

"No." Yua looked at her as they were walking to the check out stand. 

"This means that I totally have to come over to your house and see the mansion you live in!" 

"I do not live in a mansion but I'm down for you to stay for a bit."

"Heck Yea! Girls day!" 

Yua giggles at her friend and pulls out a card from her bag. 

They paid for their jewelry and happily exited the store and headed to the next one. 

"Let's try this store!" Mina says as they walk into a store that was definitely Yua's style.

"Now my type of store."

Mina was speeding around looking at all types of shirts and other clothing accessories. Yua was picking out some outfits and then right as she turned around Mina was in her face holding quite a few pairs of clothing. 

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