Episode of Bardock

Start from the beginning

The adults then relaxed. So it was just a type of healing medicine.



TWOPOCK: Where are you from?

BARDOCK: There is nothing about this whole scenario that doesn't make me so disgusted I want to violently vomit out my own internal organs. I despise you both so intensely that I can't tell if my vision is blurry from my near-death experience or from my unforgiving rage. If allowed, once I am back to full health, I will gut you with an honest-to-god smile on my face, and then proceed to paint the home I build with your bodies with your very blood.

"Did your master account for that?" Bardock asked Tenjo. "She actually expected it of you. It was one of the reasons she put you on the planet in the first place; So you could get rid of the original inhabitants." Tenjo replied. The others were horrified. They had helped him and he wanted to slaughter them?!

DR. DRAY: You hear that, Twopock? You made a friend.



DR. DRAY: That came from my village!

(cut to inside the village with two soldiers destroying the villager's homes)

TOOBI: Hello there, inhabitants of Planet Plant. We are here on a diplomatic mission on behalf of your new emperor, Lord Chilled. Pamphlets will be passed around to introduce you to your new, exciting lives as slaves to his Almighty Horniness.

People sweatdropped at the last part. Whis on the other hand focused on the name "Chilled". That was the member of the frieza race that got killed on planet Plant by the first-ever recorded "Super Saiyan." He may be a bad teacher but he connected the dots immediately.

BARDOCK: Really? This is how you intimidate a village? Blow up a house or two? I don't even think you kill anyone with those peashooters. Speaking of which, what models are those? They look ancient.

KAYABIRA: Hey, we were gonna kill one of the sick ones if they didn't comply.

BARDOCK: Oh, kill one of the sick ones. What are you gonna do next? Waterboard the elderly?

KAYABIRA: Look, buddy. We didn't come here to be judged by you. (fires a blast at Bardock, who evades it and punches him hard in the stomach)

TOOBI:: Holy-- (Bardock kicks him in the face, sending him to flying into a wall)

BARDOCK: Pfft. Amateurs.

"How long have you been fighting up to this point?" Cabba asked. "About 60, almost 65 years. I guess that's why I'm so good." Bardock grinned. Gine heaved out a sigh. This husband of her's and his ego.

VILLAGER: Hooray! Everyone give praise to our new violent saviour!

(the villagers come out of hiding and start approaching Bardock)

VILLAGERS: (singing "Welcome Christmas" from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas") Bahoo dores bahoo dores...

BARDOCK: (extends his hand to stop the villagers' singing) NO! None of that! Shame on you!

"You don't like praise?" Piccolo asked. "Yeah, and I hate that species," Bardock responded.

(flies away and lands near a cave) Who needs villagers, with their soft beds and S.P.U.G.? Rocks are soft enough to sleep on, right? (sits on a rock) ...I've made a terrible mistake.

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