Chapter 11

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Abigail never saw where the woman lived.

They were having an affair only in the office or in a hotel room, which annoyed the girl somewhat.

Last week, after she explained to Valeria how she met her mother, the woman seemed conflicted about something, but didn't tell the girl anything about the grill party yet. That night she ordered the girl to be at the same hotel were they first had sex, arriving again at 10 pm and ravishing the girl until she was begging her to stop.

The atmosphere changed between them, as if meeting Valeria's mother had been overstepping a certain boundary. 'Why is she so upset? It's not like I introduced my mother to her... This is just about sex. Nothing else.' Abigail tried to convince herself but started to doubt it.

She waited every day impatiently for the woman to take her, enjoying the new feelings Valeria could give her body with every occasion.

As days went by, Abigail would bring double the amount of the food she prepared for breakfast and lunch, liking how Valeria's expression changed the moment she tasted the food. They stopped ordering from restaurants, because as Valeria had said prosaically a few days ago: "I don't need that crap anymore." While digging in the lasagna Abigail made.

As the woman ate whatever Abigail was bringing, she raised the girl's weekly paycheck up to $1500, shocking the girl.

Now her duty was not only to satisfy the woman's sexual needs but to cook for her too. 'Soon I would be her wife too...' Abigail thought while doing her grocery shopping grumpily, wanting to impress the woman more.

As for the older woman herself, she started to bring her 'famous' Dutch breakfast on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, wanting to take some weight off Abigail's shoulders, helping her in her own way, which the girl founded adorable.

Eventually all these small things added up, until Abigail founded herself wide awake at 6 am, wanting to see the woman already. Unfamiliar to her, Valeria also waited impatiently for the girl to finally show up at 9 am in her office, glancing down at her watch every second.

This is how they spent their week; having sex, eating, working together, talking and bonding, getting closer and closer to each other every day.


It was currently next week's Thursday and as Abigail had a lot on her plate lately, she forgot to pay the rent. Much to Blair's disapproval, the girl promised her landlord to pay next week and asked for forgiveness.

When she stepped through the door familiar wooden door, she saw Valeria fidgeting. She never saw the woman in distress before but chose not to say anything.

"My mom invited you to our family grill party." Valeria suddenly blurted during their lunch, not looking the girl in the eyes.

"Grill party?" Abigail asked not understanding why Yvonne wants her to attend a family occasion.

"Yes. Don't ask me why... but is seems like you made a deep impression on her." Valeria didn't want to admit that her mother thought she was dating the girl in secret.

"Well, tell her thank you, but I really wouldn't want to interfere." The girl muttered feeling her cheeks redden. Attending would be so embarrassing, considering that she was no one to the woman.

"That's what I was afraid off... you know, my mother didn't actually ask..."

"What do you mean?" the girl looked puzzled hearing the uneasiness in the woman's voice.

"She basically demanded your presence..." Valeria said ashamed. It was ridiculous that she couldn't stand up against her own mother, forcing the girl in an uncomfortable situation. "If you are not coming, she would disown me for sure."

A single Promise (Wegberg trilogy 1.) (Lesbian story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now