Chapter 10 : A Lucky Encounter

Start from the beginning

"Free!" Said the same annoying girl.

Free Huh. This only further prove my deduction of school system earlier.

"It might be for the student who used all their points for the month." I spoke for the first time.

"Who can spend that much money in one month." She said.

How much did she think she is above everyone else?

However, why is she still here? I guess girls take more time than usual.

She took various necessities like
shampoo off the shelves and promptly threw them into the basket she was
carrying. I’d thought she would choose higher quality items, but she only
took the cheapest options.

As she is buying all cheap products. Did she also notice something about S-System.I guess i will find out. This is a good opportunity to evaluate her. Is she truly someone worthwhile and superior she was claiming herself to be? Or is she only over estimating herself.

"My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka by the way. This is our third time conversing." I  justifying my introduction.

"A self-introduction. Mind if I refuse?" She can truly be irritating. Can't she.

"It normal for knowing someone name after while conversing with them. Or am I wrong?"

"Tch. Horikita Suzune." She replied in a frustrated voice.

'Horikita'? I heard it before. Nonetheless I should focused on her evaluation right now.

"I thought girls usually made a fuss over what kind of shampoo they

"Well, that depends on the person, doesn’t it? I'm the sort who doesn't waste money as one might not know when you might need money," she replied.

Looking at me with an icy glare that seemed to say, 'Could you please not
inspect other people’s purchases without their permission?'

"But we are giving 100,000 yen every month right? Then, what's the problem?" I said tossing her a expensive bottle of shampoo.

"I don't need it." She said tossing back to me.


"I said its unnecessary. " She snapped again with scary voice.

"Geez, alright no need to be hasty about it." I said backing off.

"How does the school benefit from giving us this much money?" I said planting a seed of doubt may be she can catch of something.

"I wonder. The campus has more than enough facilities for the number
of students, and I wouldn’t think it necessary to hand out so much. Students who should be studying might slack off."

Perhaps i was accepting too much from here. She truly is worthless.

"I won’t tell you what to do, but I think it would be best to avoid wasting your money. It’s difficult to fix frivolous spending habits. Once a person gets used to an easy life, they find they need more and more. When you lose it, the shock can be great." Horikita said.

"I’ll keep that in mind." I replied as she giving 'me' a advice.

I only talked to her as I thought of evaluating her observation and intellect. As i thought she might have some doubts about the system.

But even after clearly mentioning a clue in front of her, she did get anything. It's only natural as she is so full of herself that she didn't give a single taught to it. I she saw my as someone below her. Her attitude thinking she can do everything herself was baseless. Even I can't do everything myself. From earlier discussions about 'free items' I don't think she even have any suspicions about this school. She doesn't look like someone physically strong either.

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