Episode 13: Ultimo

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Gene's timeline. Black & White. Omaha, Nebraska. It is cold outside. Gene waits in a phone booth. He calls Francesca. We learn that the attorney's business card Jimmy gave her was that of Bill Oakley (cf. S4E5 'Quite a Ride'). It is implied that he quit his job as district attorney to open his private practice.
Albuquerque. Francesca is looking around her, fearing to be watched. She holds a mobile phone in her other hand. Kim picks up.
Gene thanks Kim for calling on his anniversary date as they convened. Kim doesn't say a word. (The camera doesn't show her face during the call.) He says that although they have not spoken much these last years, he has been thinking a lot about her. (It is implied that Kim disappeared after Gus's death as the DEA started to investigate Madrigal.) Kim seems disillusioned. Gene at the end of the call even suggests that they reunite. But Kim won't disclose her location, she says she needs to go. Phone hangs up.
Gene is a bit shaken up. The only person he truly cared about is now out of reach forever...

Montage. Gene still has a slight hope. We see him sending dating ads in different newspapers, targeting each state. He uses information that only Kim and him would know, mentioning Viktor (the name that he chooses to con people) and Zafiro Añejo in the text, hoping she would try to contact him again.
He receives some calls from random women, but not Kim. He becomes more and more jaded with life and lonely. At one time, we see in the news that the Sandpiper Crossings was settled, but the irony is that Gene cannot claim back his part of the money, and he gets irritated when he sees a flamboyant Howard on TV.

Back to where we left off at the end of the S5 teaser. Gene was recognised as Saul Goodman by Jeff, the cab driver. He starts thinking about ways to deal with the situation. What are his motives? Is he trying to blackmail him?
Gene does not have much choice. He is in an eat-or-be eaten situation. He better makes the first move. He calls the number he was given and asks for Jeff.

Gene meets with Jeff in his car; Jeff greets him but everything about him seems fake. Gene asks him what he really wants. Jeff eludes the question, he says he is an admirer, he just wanted to hang out in person with Saul. However, Gene sees through his game and he contradicts him.
Silence. Jeff looks at Gene with his piercing gaze and asks for a large sum of money. Gene: 'And you leave me alone? No more hearing from you, right?' Jeff accepts.

Back at home, Gene starts panting. He is not made for this anymore. He looks at the diamonds. They are still there. He removes his coat and we see... a recording device. He was recording his discussion with Jeff all this time! (Thank you Chuck for the idea.)

Gene meets with Jeff and his friend in a basketball field. Jeff is surprised when he learns that Gene has not brought the money and that he threatens him to send the tape of their discussion he recorded to the police. If he ever decides to report him to the police, they would be both in trouble.
Jeff's friend grabs Gen by the collar. But Jeff tells his friend that there is no need to be violent. Jeff mentions that he knows a million ways to make Gene's life miserable. They do know where he works... Jeff gives him an ultimatum. He has one day to change his mind.

Gene starts having dark ideas. He can't sleep. He calls in sick for his job. He doesn't have much choice: he needs to disappear again or get rid of the problem from the root, even its means resorting to a radical solution...
Next morning, he looks out his window to see if someone is watching him, then goes to buy a revolver from a shady gun seller. He drives to the Omaha United Cabs offices and manages to get Jeff's address by telling a fake story to the secretary.
Gen drives there, with his gun hidden. He switches off the light of his car and sits there, waiting for Jeff. His head is buzzing with a million ideas.
Then he feels bad, like really bad. He isn't a killer, he is Jimmy. Gene just leaves and gets rid of the gun.

He stays at home, thinking about the deadline set by Jeff and his buddy. He looks at his ceiling the whole night. Deep down, he thinks, 'Fuck it! What are they gonna do?'; however, he can't help but dread the next day.

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