Episode 1: Reset

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Blood, tears. Lalo is in fury after what happened. He follows Nacho's footsteps and finds a tyre mark. Nacho fled by car.
He comes back to his drinking spot. One last cup of whisky. He was set up, he needs to step back, think about the big picture. What should he do now? He realises that he cannot trust anyone, not even his closest henchman. Kim was right; he should 'get his house in order'. But how?
Lalo goes to his hideout to get money and guns. He puts all his stuff in a car, ready to leave, and gazes one last time at his home.

Nacho drives crazy fast. He feels a mix of guilt, fear and relief. He couldn't possibly imagine that things would get that worse, since he poisoned Hector. Gus is a far worse threat. But he hopes to be left alone, now that Lalo was killed.
Long travel. Nacho arrives home. However, something doesn't feel right: the place is a mess; windows are wide open. The girls apparently left him. Someone knocks at the door. Is it a trap? He pulls out his gun. This is some random pizza delivery guy.
He gets a call from Mike and has to meet with him. Mike informs him that Gus has big plans for him. He will get back to his previous leader role, as it was the case before Lalo's arrival. Not the news he was expecting...

Jimmy feels confused. A lot happened recently and he doesn't know where to stand with Kim. They haven't brought up the discussion about undermining Howard since that time. Kim is acting normally, she is caring.
Jimmy is working on his cases involving petty criminals. Jimmy crosses Howard in court who ignores him.
Kim is completely invested in her pro bono cases. She is in a happy mood, overly optimistic but in a subtle way. In a hearing, she uses a curse word to her own surprise.

Lalo meets with unknown hitmen, seemingly old acquaintances. He seeks their help to secretly investigate and expose Gus in return for money. He prefers not to inform the cartel and stays off the radar to have an edge over his enemy.

Gus and Mike meet: the construction of the lab will resume when it is the right time.

The Salamanca twins receive a call on their phone from Lalo, but no one answers at the other end... This is strange.

At home, Kim and Jimmy have dinner when someone knocks at the door: police officers! Jimmy learns that Howard has filled a restraining order against him for harassment and that a court hearing is scheduled in a few days. Jimmy and Kim are flabbergasted.

TL; DR: Nacho returns to Albuquerque and learns that Gus is not done with him. Lalo who trusts no one, not even the cartel, starts investigating in secret with the help of mercenaries he recruited. Howard puts a restraining order against Jimmy for harassment.

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