robb stark (1)

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"You are going and that is final. I will not have an unmarried daughter living under my roof. Your septa will be coming to pack for you and you best be prepared to head to Winterfell by tomorrow morning," Your father says, storming out and slamming the door behind him. 

You sniffle and wipe away your tears, feeling completely defeated. You lost. You're going to place that you know nothing of to marry a man that you know nothing about. You're heartbroken at your father's coldness toward you about the matter. You begged him to let you stay but he outright refused not even listening to what you had to say. There is a light knock at your door that makes you sit up and collect yourself. 

"Come in," You say, clearing your throat.

It's your mother. 

"Hello my love. I heard," She says, referring to you and your father's argument. 

"It's alright," You say, taking a deep breath and turning away from her so she can't see the tears starting to flood your eyes. 

"I know you don't see it now, but this is good. You're going to be the Lady of Winterfell. Robb Stark really is a kind man," She says. 

"Mother, I don't want to be Lady of Winterfell. I want to stay here, in Highgarden. I want to tend to the gardens as you taught me, care for the horses with father, see my siblings learn and grow, marry a man I love, not a stranger..." You say, your voice breaking as a tear slips down your cheek. 

"Oh sweetness," Your mother says, lifting your chin and wiping the tear away. 

You hug her tightly, crying into her shoulder. 

"You are strong, beautiful, independent, smart. My daughter. You will always be my daughter, even if you are Lady of Winterfell," She smiles, sadness in her eyes. 

She tucks a piece of hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead. 

"Get some sleep sweetness. I will see you in the morning," She says, leaving. 

You prepare for bed as your septa works around you packing your bags. You're unable to shake the despair from your bones. You never thought that you'd be leaving Highgarden. You loved it here, after all it was the most beautiful of the Seven Kingdoms and you adored everything about it. The idea of leaving it's warm and temperate climate to live in the frozen North scares you. You don't know who or what is there, other than the man that is supposed to be your husband. You think of Robb Stark, imagining what he looks like and who he is.

Is he kind?

Is he smart?

Is he handsome?

Will he like me?

Does he want this?

Is he afraid too?

Thoughts are racing through your mind as you crawl into bed, laying wide awake staring at the ceiling. 

"Goodnight m'lady," Your septa says, extinguishing the candle and leaving the room.

As you lay restless in your bed, take in the familiar sounds and smells of your room for the last night, cherishing them and holding them close to your heart because in the morning, they will be gone forever...

"Are you ready?" Your father says, knocking at your door. 

"Yes," You respond plainly, smoothing out the front of your dress. 

You didn't sleep the entire night, only being able to lie awake thinking about your future in Winterfell. You meet your family in the great hall for breakfast and everyone eats silently. You're heart breaks for your little siblings who are too young to understand why you are leaving, but just know that you aren't coming back. 

"Should be a nice long trip. Weather is fair until we reach The North," Your father says, trying to break the silence. 

You don't respond, just focus on keeping your breakfast down even though you aren't hungry. The rest of the morning is a blur. You go through the motions of saying goodbye to everyone and try to accept the well wishes for your wedding and future. As you ride away from Highgarden, you let a few tears fall, having spent all of your emotion the night before. Your home that you have known all of your life fades in the distance.

Several months later...

The wind is bitterly cold. Miserably cold. You shiver with your mother and siblings in the little shelter of the carriage while your father continues to lead the way. The last time you asked, you were not far from Winterfell, and the closer you get, the sicker you feel. You didn't expect this trip to be as long and terrible as it has been and you just want to sleep well and warm for the first time in months. 

"Are we close mother?" Your little brother asks, his teeth chattering. 

"Yes. Just try to relax," She says, stroking his hair gently. 

"Winterfell is just over the horizon!" Your father shouts over the wind. 

Your heart seizes in your chest and your breathing becomes faster. Your stomach does flips and you try your best not to throw up. Your mother places a comforting hand on your knee, noticing that you're starting to panic. 

"It will be alright sweetness," She says. 

You nod curtly, not being able to form any words. What feels like an eternity later, you hear the sound of gates opening. You straighten up, and hold your breath, trying to slow your heart. 

"My lord, we are honored to host you and your family. Please, come inside to warm and eat," Someone says. 

"Thank you Lord Stark," Your father says. 

Your future father-in-law. 

The door to your carriage opens and your mother steps out first. You follow closely, feeling like a child hanging onto her mother's skirt. 

"My lady," Lord Stark says, bowing before you. 

"Lord Stark," You respond. 

"My lord we welcome you to Winterfell," A woman who you can only assume to be Lady Stark says to your father. 

"These are my daughters, Sansa and Arya," Lord Stark says. 

"My lord, my lady," The girls say, curtsying. 

"And my sons, Bran, Rickon, Jon, and Robb," He says. 

You tense at the name and refuse to look at him. You can feel your father's angry gaze burning into the side of your head and you reluctantly look up to meet the eyes of your betrothed. You're blown away by his beauty. His hair is thick and curly, his eyes a bright blue. His lips are full and pink and his jaw is chiseled, a beard covering his lower jaw. He's tall and clearly muscular underneath all of his layers of fur and coats. 

"My lady," He says, extending his hand. 

His voice is pure silk. You extend your shaking hand and he takes it, kissing the back of it. Sparks shoot up your arm, almost making you rip your hand away but you fight the urge. Although you are practically frozen the the bone, you can feel your cheeks are burning a bright red. 

"Come inside, you warm blooded people need time to adjust," Lord Stark says. 

You follow your mother, father and siblings, while glancing back at Robb who is clearly being teased by his brother. You're embarrassed, not knowing if they're making fun of you or not. Your sadness turns to curiosity as you find yourself wanting to get to know more about the handsome Robb Stark.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! part 2 is on the way!

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