ramsay bolton

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A/N: so I hate Ramsay, as most people do, but I can't not include him in this book lol.

"Ramsay stop it!" You squeal, running around the courtyard of  the Dreadfort. 

He laughs as he continues to chase you, and you hide behind a stall door in the horse barn. 

"Come out Dottie," Ramsay says, looking for you. 

You quietly giggle at him calling you by your nickname, peeking around the door of the stall. 

"Found you!" He shouts, running at you and you squeal, running out of the barn. 

You look behind you to see how close he was, but come crashing into another person. Roose Bolton. 

"Ramsay!" He shouts. 

The both of you stop in your tracks, looking down at the ground as Roose begins to reprimand you. Even in your scolding, you and Ramsay have fun. He taps your foot with his and makes a silly face, forcing you to keep your laughter in, as to not anger Roose more. 

"Go inside. You're finished out here," He says. 

You both nod, scurrying inside where you continue your game of tag...

Tears fall from your eyes as you think about that fond moment with Ramsay. You would do anything to have that relationship with him back. When you were younger, the two of you were thick as thieves. You were always playing and getting into trouble and no one knew one of you without the other. But as you grew older, Ramsay changed. He started to pick up his father's personality, ruthless and evil and it broke your heart to watch your sweet best friend turn into a true sociopath. Now, you're stuck in Winterfell with him and his army, miserable and lonely. Most of the people you knew and loved stayed at Dreadfort, but Ramsay dragged you along in his siege of Winterfell, the reason still unknown to you. You want nothing more than for Ramsay to realize all the wrong he has done and go back to who he was before, loving, funny, and kind. 

"You. Lord Bolton wants to see you," A man says, appearing next to you. 

"Why?" You ask, confused. 

Ramsay hasn't spoken to you since he took Winterfell and you have no idea why he wants to now. He kept you in his home, fed and warm but you never saw him. He was always gone, and you were usually confined to your chambers unless told otherwise. You miss him desperately, but you're terrified of him at the same time. 

"You are not in a position to ask questions. Come," He says, and starts to walk away. 

You scramble after him, heart racing at the thought of seeing Ramsay again. You follow the man, through the halls, starting to panic. What does Ramsay want? Why does he want to see you now? Is he going to kill you? So many thoughts are running through your head that you barely realized that you were being led into a room, where Ramsay sat, waiting. You snap out of your thoughts and your heart skips a beat when you see him. 

"Dottie," He says, smiling brightly at you with a hint of insanity in his eyes. 

His nickname for you makes you cringe after not hearing it for so long and knowing what he has done. He stands up, walking toward you. 

"Ramsay, please," You say, taking a step back.

You place your shaking hands on your chest and close your eyes as you try to compose yourself. You take a deep breath and force yourself to look at Ramsay. 

"What's wrong?" He asks. 

Your lip quivers. 

"R--Ramsay, I'm afraid...of you," You say, your throat feeling tight.

"Well why? What have I done?" He asks, seeming genuinely confused. 

Your eyes go wide and can't tell if he's joking or not. 

"All those people Ramsay...those little boys you--you burnt. The people you k-illed," You say, your voice shaking. 

"But what have I done to you?" He asks, still sounding sincere. 

"You locked me in my room and didn't speak to me let alone look at me since we've been here Ramsay! You took me from our home and abandoned me. I don't know you anymore," You say, tears starting to stream down your face. 

"Dottie--" He says but you stop him. 

"Please, don't call me that anymore. That was the Ramsay I knew, not you," You whisper.

"I am the man who I was meant to be, who my father wanted me to be. I'm trying to make a name for myself and my house. I'm trying to build a better life for you," He says. 

"But Ramsay I was happy with my life at Dreadfort. I had you. The you I used to know. The Ramsay that was kind, funny, gentle, my best friend. Now that's gone, and I don't think I can forgive you for everything that you've done. It's horrific," You say. 

His face falls. 

"Ramsay, if you truly care for me, let me leave Winterfell. I am miserable here. I just want to go home," You say, starting to cry again. 

"But I did this for you. You were supposed to be my lady, the lady of Winterfell. I was going to ask you to marry me," He says, hurt in his voice. 

"Long ago, I would have wanted that more than anything. I loved you but I can't marry you after what you've become and what you have done. Let me go home Ramsay," You say. 

There is still pain on his face but his jaw and eyes harden, sending a shock wave of fear through you. 

"No. You will stay here, marry me, and give me heirs, like I planned," He says. 

Your stomach drops and tears completely flood your vision.

"Go back to your chambers. I will see you at dinner," He says and leaves the room. 

 You're stuck here.

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