jamie lannister

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A/N: I always hated the Lannister's (who doesn't) but Jamie always had a special place in my heart. also, slight trigger warning, there will be mention of body image issues, but it's brief and in the beginning. I struggle with my body on a daily basis but no matter what you look like or what society tells you, your body does not define you. your body type or weight does not determine your health or happiness. you are exactly how you are supposed to be. enjoy <3

You sigh heavily, tears brimming in your eyes as you look at yourself in the mirror. The longer you look, the more you hate the way you look. Your arms and thighs are too big, your belly isn't flat and toned, cellulite covers your butt, and your hips stick out. You poke and prod at yourself, wishing you could look like the other women in King's Landing. Every time you go out, you can't help but compare yourself to the women you walk past, and can't help but notice how they stare longingly at your husband.

"He could have any woman in King's Landing in his bed in an instant, but he chose me. How pathetic," You mumble to yourself, still poking and prodding at your body.

"Pathetic? I call myself beyond blessed," You hear.

You turn around, seeing Jamie leaning against the doorframe of your room. Your cheeks burn red with embarrassment, realizing he heard you and had been watching you. He hates when you tear yourself down. He walks into the room, putting down his sword and taking off his armor. He's silent as he does so, making you more nervous. He finally walks over to you, standing behind you in the mirror.

"What's wrong my love?" He says quietly, rubbing your arms gently.

"It's nothing. I'm fine," You smile, trying your hardest not to cry.

"You're a terrible liar," He says, kissing your cheek and wrapping his arms around you.

Your lip trembles and you look down, cheeks still burning with shame.

"What's wrong?" He asks again.

"Jamie, I hate my body. I don't look like the other women here. They are all so small and fit, and I just feel gigantic next to them. They all stare at you whenever we're out and it makes me feel so terrible. You could be with any of them but you're stuck with me," You whisper, your throat feeling tight with emotion.

He stays quiet, making eye contact with you in the mirror.

"I would hardly call it stuck. Do you think I would have married you if I wanted to be with another woman? I adore you. Every single part of you," He says.

"But my thighs, my stomach, my hips," You whimper.

His large hands run over each part of you that you just listed, his gentle touch making goosebumps rise on your skin.

"Are beautiful, sexy, mine," He whispers in your ear, pulling you into him, your back pressed into his chest.

"They don't make me feel beautiful or sexy. They make me insecure," You say, a single tear falling down your cheek.

"And I've never wanted to fuck someone's insecurities more than I do yours," He says, placing a kiss on your bare shoulder.

His words send a shiver down your spine and your mouth opens in a quiet gasp, as he places sloppy kisses on your neck. You reach behind you and grip at his hip as he reaches your collarbone.

"I love this," He says, trailing a hand over your stomach, "This," Then moving to the curve of your hip, "These," His hand lifting your slip and falling to your thigh, paying extra attention to your inner thigh as he draws circles into it, making you shiver with anticipation.

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