Chapter 45: The Infiltration

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Marshadow: We're good in this area nobody wont find us.

Poipole: What is this place?

Marshadow: Vermilion city.

Poipole: ...

Marshadow: Ok yeah i'll just take that you've never seen this place before.

Marshadow: and im guessing that tall tower os where we're supposed to go.

Poipole: Hey do you hear that?

Marshadow: Someone's coming!

They found out who it was, it was Grookey and Piplup

Piplup: Marshadow?

Marshadow: What happened here?

Grookey: Team Chaos attacked us and everyone except for us got captured. and Pikachu turned evil for some reason.

Marshadow: He took me to an alternate dimension and now she helped me get out of there. And how she's helping us fight Them.

Piplup: It's best not to fight put here.

Grookey: They took everyone by that tower on the hill.

Poipole: I guess that's where we need to go next.

Grookey: We'll join you then

Grookey and Piplup has joined your team

Grookey: We just have to avoid the grunts.

Everyone left now to walk to their destination

Marshadow: Wait how'd you guys escaped?

Piplup: My leadership got us here

Poiple: ...
Marshadow: ...

Grookey: That's really not what happened...

Piplup: Wow. Can't you let me have my moment?

Grookey: No.

Marshadow: Pikachu is being controlled by someone named executive. They too are working for team chaos.

Grookey: *climbs up a tree to look around* We just need to cross the river!

Marshadow: Then lets go that way then!

They went towards the tower and arrived there beginning their stealth operation

Piplup: Through this vent here

Grookey: I'll lead the way!

The ventilation system was a maze but grookey knew which way to go but on Ash's side

Ash: Maybe Grookey and piplup might find help for us!

Goh: Wait but who? They got all of our pokemon, Pikachu is controlled, and Marshadow is still missing.

Ren: Maybe we can search for something useful in here.

A vent opened which was caused by Piplup

Goh: Grookey!

Dawn: Piplup!

Ash: Marshadow!

Poipole: ...

Dawn: What is that pokemon?

Chole: *checks on rotom phone* Its a poipole

Ash: But they only appear in wormholes!

Marshadow: *mimics faces to explain*

Ash: You're saying pikachu was Controlled by a black mist?

Marshadow nods his head

Goh: Looks like we need to get out of here first, but the ventilation is too small for us to go through

Dawn: Hey can you all go into the vents to the other side?

Grookey: (Alright we should be back.)

Poipole: (I found a way but it'll take us into the direct opening.)

Piplup: (Oh i'm sure it'll be safe)

After they got out again it lead them to an empty hallway

Grookey: Where are we?

Marshadow: i don't know.

???: Prepare for trouble,

??? Make it Double

???: To protect the world from devastation

???: To unite all people of our nation

???: To denounce the evils of truth and love

???: to extend our reach to the stars above

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James

Jessie: Team rocket blasting off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth: That's right!

Everyone seemed prepared to fight

Jessie: Don't worry. we're not here to fight you and you're not fighting us.

James: *snaps fingers*

Everything started to shake as the platforms revealed 4 other pokemon

Marshadow: No....

Grookey: (We're not going to fight them!)

Meowth: (Maybe you doing for them then!)

A cage dropped out showing Drizzile

Drizzile: (Bother me when it's important.)

Jessie: It's your old pals. Gengar, Dragonite, Yamper, And Eevee! and they're under our control.

James: And Don't try anything because we rigged the cage with electrical wiring! one wring move and its goodbye for your friend.

Meowth: We'll be watching from a safe distance.

Team rocket: Toodaloo.

They walked away to their place while leaving Grookey, Marshadow, Poipole, and Piplup to fight Dragonite, Gengar, Eevee, and yamper, This will probably be a long battle
To be continued

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