Chapter 3: rivals return

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Clemont: Food is ready!

Ash: Alright!

Pikachu: Pikachu! (Yay!)

Gou: lets see... *checks rotom phone*

Gou: hey look we're near anastar city!

Serena: thats also where my next pokemon showcase is gonna be!

Bonnie: i wonder what squishy is up to now?

Gou: squishy?

Ash: its a name for zygarde.

Gou: oh

Clemont: we should get going now!

When they arrived at anastar city, they saw tierno, trevor, and Shauna

Trevor: ? Hey guy!

Ash: Hey Trevor!

Shauna: Woah ash it is really you!

Tierno: i heard about your huge win at the aloha league

Ash: thanks!

Ash: wait hold on i forgot My other pokemon! Be right back!

Gou: there he goes again and he forgot farfetched again

Clemont: farfetched?

Gou: Ash's fitfh pokemon through the galar region.

Serena: the galar region?

Gou: its known for its gigantamax pokemon just like mega evolution! That wristband on ash's arm is a gmax ring!

Shauna: probably i could visit the region soon.

Ash: Im back! *releases farfetched*

Farfetched: FARFETCHED! (ASH HOW COULD YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME!) *hits ash with his leek*

Ash: im sorry! I forgot!

Trevor: Woah a different farfetched. I gotta take this picture *takes picture*

Tierno: i know how about a battle?

Ash: lets make it a triple battle!

Shauna: thats a great idea!

Gou: Alright then!

When they got to the battle field

Ash: ok Gengar i choose you! *releases gengar*

Serena: Absol! Come on out! *releases absol*

Gou: Lets do this Raboot! *releases Raboot*

Shauna: Come on out Ivysaur! *releases ivysaur*

Tierno: Raichu bring out the beat! *releases raichu*

Trevor: Charizard Come on out! *releases charizard*

Clemont: this will be a 3 on 3 battle when all 3 pokemon from each sides are unable to battle the other side is the winner! Battle begin!

Ash: Gengar Use shadow ball on raichu!

Tierno: Dodge it and use thunderbolt!

Gengar: *uses shadow ball*

Raichu: *dodges and uses thunderbolt*

Gengar: *dodges it*

Gou: Raboot! Use double kick on Charizard!

Raboot: *uses double kick*

Serena: Abosl use psycho cut on ivysaur!

Absol: *uses psycho cut*

Trevor: Charizard fly up in the air!

Charizard: *flies up in the air*

Shauna: ivysaur! Vine whip On Absol!

Ash: Gengar use psychic on ivysaur!

Gengar: *uses psychic on ivysaur*

Ivysaur: *takes damage*

They kept battling so its pointless to write the whole battle so im just gonna skip to the end

Ash: Gengar use ice punch!

Charizard: *takes damage and faints*

Ash: Alright we won!

Shauna: Hey Serena: the pokemon showcase is about to start!

Serena: right and i also have a key to win!

Shauna: Lets do our best tommorow!

Serena: right!

Trevor: so how was your travel to the aloha region?

Ash: it was awesome! I got to have island challenges and battle island kahunas. Get z-rings and help alot of ultra beasts!

Clemont: then i must travel to the aloha region to find out more about the ultra beasts!

Ash: its amazing!

Tierno: say ash. What kind of pokemon do you have?

Ash: *releases pokemon*

Riolu: riolu!

Dragonite: drago!

Farfetched: farfetched!

Trevor: Wow! *takes picture*

Gou: so what's this about a pokemon showcase?

Trevor: there are mainly two sections. First part is the theme performance which had different variations and then the second part is the freestyle performance when a contestant and their pokemon create moves that impress other people!

Ash: and in the end we vote to see who gets the princess key.

Gou: i cant wait to see a performance!

Ash: well its getting dark so why dont we get some rest!

Clemont: Alright!

Trevor: im sure that Shauna and Serena will be back.

NOTE: i wont be posting more chapters alot since online school for me is in two days and i still will be posting more chapters but keep school on the track and this is the end for now so bye!

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