Chapter 48: Lights out.

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Im gonna make this chapter dark for the first time. Don't read this if you don't feel comfortable with this.

Pikachu: *snores* more... ketchup...

Pikachu snores quietly. The door makes a creaking sound that was loud enough to wake up Pikachu. Pikachu yawns before getting off the bed. Pikachu was surprised to see that Ash nor Goh were in their beds.

Pikachu: Ash? Goh? Anyone?

Pikachu walked out the doors, it was too dark in the hallways for Pikachu to see. Pikachu tries to look around for a light source. Pikachu jumps onto a nightstand to look for a flashlight. He opens up the drawers and finds a flashlight.

Pikachu: a flashlight, maybe it could be useful.

He holds the flashlight with his tail and walked into the hallway. He walked deeper into the hallway, trying to find his way to the power source.

After a while, Pikachu halts himself as he noticed two glowing eyes in the darkness.

After a while, Pikachu halts himself as he noticed two glowing eyes in the darkness

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Pikachu: Is someone there?


Pikachu: ...

???: ...

Pikachu: ...

???: ...

???: I've been waiting for you Pikachu.

Pikachu: Alright nope not today!

Pikachu used thunderbolt on the shadow. It electrocuted the shadow.

???: OW! I was joking Pikachu! Its me Piplup! Geez...

Pikachu: You got want you deserved!

Piplup: I know.

Pikachu: anyways, what's going on here?

Piplup: No idea, Buneary and Grookey went to find the generator but they didnt return the past hour.

Pikachu: An hour!?

Piplup: And Dawn disappeared.

Pikachu grew even more worried.

Pikachu: Something isn't right here.

Piplup: That's what i thought too! We should go to the park to find the other pokemon.

Pikachu and Piplup dashed their way through the hallways to get to the door that leads to the park.

Pikachu: How do we open the door? The door handle is higher than us.

Piplup: what if we get on top of each other?

Pikachu: great idea! Stand on top of me.

Piplup climbs on Pikachu. He was able to reach the door handle and open it. They followed the stone path to the park where the Pokémon live in. As they walk through the entrance, Pikachu felt a presence.

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