Advancedshipping (Ash x May)

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This was requested a long LONG time ago. Finally getting around to it. 

Aesthetic: I love May's design, but I just don't think she visibly looks the best with Ash, especially when we consider designs of some other characters. It isn't terrible either though. Maybe 7/10?

Healthy: Correct me if I am wrong, but ash was an a-hole to May most of the time, and they had some pretty intense fights. However, they worked through it and still remained friends and were nice to each other the rest of the time. 6/10.

Chemistry: This ship is VERY overshadowed by Contestshipping so its hard to say. I saw some moments of Advancedshipping to refresh my memory and...there may be something there? Some of the moments I gushed at and they seemed pretty cute...but it just wasn't enough...I suppose it could go beyond friendship...but not while Drew and Serena breathe air. 7/10 though, some of the moments were pretty cute ngl. 

Platonic: Like I said they had some pretty intense arguments, mostly being Ash's fault. However, they also seem to be nice friends so...8/10?

Canon: the hints...this is absolutely not canon. 2/10.

Fandom: They seem to be pretty chill honestly. Out of the big Ash Ketchum otps, this fandom seems to fight the least with other shippers, at least from what I've seen. 9/10.

OAS: 6.5/10

My score would be a 7/10. I can definitely appreciate it, but I wouldn't ship it.

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