Vermillionshipping (Goh x Chloe) Future OTP???

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Course I gotta do this after Firstfriendshipping...oh boy... (also this fanart is cute)

Aesthetic: Personally I like it. They look pretty right together to me, with the contrast of looks and all. I don't know where I stand with this ship rn, but I'll give it a 9/10. 

Healthy: I don't see why it isn't. They don't ever fight or anything. It's been a while since I've watched journeys. I'll give it an 8/10 for now. 

Chemistry: I'll admit this, after the aerodactyl episode, Chloe seemed quite a bit more interested in Goh. They have had a couple of moments, but for the time being, its not enough to say they're more than friends. 5/10. 

Platonic: I mean we already know they're friends. I feel like people see Chloe as the type of girl with the "gay best friend", but personally I really hate stereotyping people. She was there for Goh all those years when it was hard for him to make friends, and he encouraged her to travel with them and find her love for pokemon...oh shoot I am starting to realize how cute that actually is. Oh well...10/10 for friendship...and they may in fact have some chemistry after all. 

Canon: Ehhh...part of me wants them to have more moments, but it just might not happen. I haven't watched the show in a long time, and I've only seen what's out on Netflix. If they have more hints please tell me, but I don't know for sure, 5/10. 

Fandom: Again, its an Ehhh....Most of them are Amourshippers who want to sink Firstfriendshipping. While I am not the hugest fan of Firstfriendshipping, I just kinda hate it when people use this ship to react to it. It doesn't have a lot of support and honestly, like with a lot of things about this ship, I don't know what to say. 5/10. 

OAS: 7/10

Honestly I can't give a score right now. It was an OTP, and now I just don't know where I stand with the ship currently. Once I watch more of Journeys, I'm sure my opinion will be settled. It has lots of potential though, I hope to see something come from this.

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