Pokeshipping (Ash x Misty)

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It is the OG pokemon ship. The one that started it all. 

Aesthetic: This ship is iconic and popular for a reason, and its impressive that it has stayed popular for about 25 years. The visual appeal of this ship really backs up this reason. Misty and Ash look like a couple together. 10/10 here. 

Healthy: These two don't have the most compatible relationship. Sure they do deeply care for one another, but fight like maniacs. Ash constantly insults Misty, and Misty does the same and sometimes physically assaults this boi. I'll give it a 4/10. If these two were rolling on the ground together, you wouldn't tell if they were in love, or trying to murder each other. 

Chemistry: The anime really made an effort to hint to the audience that these two had something between them. From Misty saying she wants to marry Ash, to Ash picking her up and taking her for a ride as a ghost. Their relationship started abruptly, and had a sad departure since Misty really cared about Ash and wanted to go with him, but couldn't because of her sisters. I do think their relationship is quite cute, but very overdone with all the "fighting like an old married couple" bits. It's just too much, and could have been toned down by a lot. 6/10. 

Platonic: These two have a very chaotic friendship, but if they are nothing more than friends, they care about each other, and would save each other if one fell off a cliff. 8/10.

Canon: This ship was intentionally meant to be, but since they anime got so popular, the company evolved and had new ideas and decided that it was time for Misty to move on. Will she end up with Ash in the end? I don't think its likely. Sure she appeared in Sun and Moon, but I saw nothing romantic between them. (Ash moved on to Lillie anyway, and Misty got her priorities right and ran her gym). The Canon is a 5/10 because yes, she had obvious feelings for Ash, but they are no longer significant, and it has been this way since Advanced started. 

Fandom: The fandom for this....is not very nice in my experience. I have met a couple of nice pokeshippers who I follow, but most of them seem super absorbed into sinking other ships, and trashing them. 3/10. 

OAS: 6/10

My own score would be 8/10, because I do fangirl over it from time to time, but this ship is far from perfect. 

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