Amourshipping (Ash x Serena)

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Finally somebody requested something, and it had to be one...if not the most popular ship in almost any anime ever.

Aesthetic: Serena and Kalos Ash look like every perfect couple in highschool. I don't know if she looks good with every variation of Ash, but with Kalos Ash she looks good next to. Their colors match, and they look different enough from each other to where they look cute. I'll have to give this a 10/10. Many Ash Ketchum ships are pleasing to the eye, and this one is no exception...also the fanart is pretty good so...theres that.

Healthy: It's healthier than Pokeshipping, I'll say that much. I haven't watched all of XY, but I believe these two have only had one argument. The only reasons I'll be docking points here is because these two constantly reciprocate their feelings for each other (YES! Ash has shown affection back to Serena, I did my research and it seems like he's got a thing for her...). I feel like when a couple always says "I love you" all the time, that's almost a red flag because if you know you love each other, you don't need to say it all the time. Serena is a bit obsessive with Ash, I won't say she is yandere/stalker level like most anti-amourshippers do, but in the early part of the season, Ash was all she was thinking about. 8/10 I guess?

Chemistry: This ship is LOADED with hints coming from both parties. In fact...there are almost too many hints. Their personalities contrast very well, they both have dreams and goals and they love their pokemon, and they seemingly get along well, I'd say there is definitely chemistry (NOT BECAUSE SHE KISSED ASH! THERE ARE MANY OTHER, MUCH MORE MEANINGFUL HINTS THAT AREN'T FANSERVICE THAT PROVE THAT THESE TWO HAVE A THING FOR EACH OTHER!!) I gotta admit this, 9/10 because they have plenty of cute moments, but I am taking away one point because of fanservice. 

Platonic: While they both seemingly have a thing for each other, if anyone were to friendzone in this relationship, it would obviously be the dense coward that is Ash. I can't really envision Serena staying friends with Ash if he rejects a romantic relationship with her. She would be heartbroken. Maybe she'd be able to move on, and maybe be friends with him still, but it would be incredibly awkward. 6/10. 

Canon: Don't argue with me. We all know this. Ash will not end up with Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, Chloe, Goh, Gary, and I regret to say this but also my boo Lillie. Sure they may drop hints with some of these characters but NEVER have they included as many hints (handholding, blushing, kisses, a flippin' confirmed crush) as they did with Serena. I am not going to try to deny this at all. I KNOW for a fact he will most likely be with her in the end. Do I think that Lillie is the best partner for Ash...yes I do, but I am not the writers of Pokemon: The Series am I. I will not be mad if amourshipping becomes canon. In fact I'd go as far to say that it IS canon....10/10...there I said it, burn me to the stake now. 

Fandom: You guys are going to be surprised at my response here. Aside from my own cult that is Aureliashipping, Amourshippers in general have been the nicest to me and have respected my opinions the most. With any shippers I have encountered some nasty ones in my time, and I am fully aware that they were toxic as hell back in the day, but they have REALLY toned down since then, and I really admire them for becoming more respectful over the years. 8/10 because of the people I have met who ship this. 

OAS: 8.5/10

My score is a 9.5/10. I would ship this if it weren't for aureliashipping. I may even make it my second otp since I am a multishipper. This is my second choice for Ash, and yes I do like Serena as a character as well, and she does NOT deserve the hate she gets just because you don't ship this. 

*sweats* there I said it.

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