Ash x Annabel (Abilityshipping)

279 3 9

So we are onto our first rarepair...yay

Aesthetic: It's actually pretty good in my opinion. The height difference (with Annabel being taller lol) and the colors of their outfits look nice together. It's on par with Vermillionshipping (whose aesthetic might go up) at a 9/10. Unfortunately for me, aesthetic seems to be the only redeeming factor of this ship because spoilers...I don't care about it at all. 

Healthy: Um...I dunno??? 5/10.

Chemistry: It's one-sided af. That much is obvious. Annabel had a CANON crush on him...but that was about it really. Highkey nothing came from Ash out of this...and honestly...why would it. 3/10. 

Platonic: Um...also no. She just had a quick crush on Ash for like...two episodes. I don't think they'll probably ever meet again, and if they do, would they really even become the best of friends?? Probably not...4/10. 

Canon: Annabel just had a bit of a crush on him...that is it, and that is all. 2/10.

Fandom: They're pretty annoying tbh. It's kinda like Negaishipping, but on steroids. They are just that crowd that wants to be "different" from other people. I'd say this ship is like the "not like other girls" of the Pokemon Fandom. Like come on...Annabel wasn't THAT memorable. 5/10. 

OAS: 4.5/10

And my own personal score would be about the same. Maybe 5/10. It's kinda just a random, neutral ship I could care less for. Sorry, it may seem like I just brushed over this ship...but there really isn't a lot to cover. As an aureliashipper...what do you expect me to do?

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