This made Nadia smile "won't she be upset?" The brunette questioned "what she doesn't know won't hurt her" Natasha mischievously replied.

Nadia nodded.


*Nadia's pov*

Colouring didn't last long which was mostly because of the fact that Sebastian kept trying to chew the pictures we were trying to colour.

Now it was time to make dinner and since Wanda wasn't here to watch me I got to help Nat make it in the kitchen, not actually making it though more like watching her make it- which was better by a long-short.

"I think you should add less vegetables" I commented as I watched her chop them up.

She shushed me and grabbed a nearby pacifier, she put it into my mouth "you need your vegetables" she said with a smile as I jokingly glared at her.

It didn't take long for her to finish chopping them up and to start cooking them.

Whilst she was doing this I couldn't help but wonder if what I felt when Wanda left is what they felt when I escaped; multiple times might I add.

I felt bad.

It took me a while before I found the courage to ask her "mommy?" I questioned after taking out the pacifier "yes sweetie?" She answered whilst she looked at the vegetables which were cooking in the oven.

"Is that what you and mama felt when I uhm...escaped?" I quickly said "felt what?" She asked looking back towards me "what I felt when mama left" I said nervously looking down to my lap.

She walked over to me "do you wanna know the truth Nadia?" She questioned and I nodded "it felt as if I had lost a limb or something, a part of me was missing which sounds dumb but it's like we met and I grew another limb" Nat explained

(A/N if y'know, y'know)

"It feels the same with Wanda but even when you're not here it still feels as if a part of me is being ripped away" she further explained.

I nodded to all of it, weirdly I understood what she felt; it was the thing I had felt like for all these months but just put into words.

Nonetheless I felt guilty.

She must've noticed the look on my face "don't feel bad babygirl" she said cupping my face "that was in the past and what happened in the past stays in the past" she reassured.

After nodding my head she smiled "I love you mommy" I quietly whispered "I love you too" Nat replied after she kissed me on the forehead.

"Now time to turn the oven off before the vegetables burn" she chuckled as she walked away "would that really be a bad thing?" I responded.

"I'll make sure to add more to your plate because of that now!" She said with a devious grin.

"I take back what I said about loving you" I muttered.

At this moment Seb walked into the kitchen- he'd been napping in the living room.

"See even Sebastian agrees with me" I said.

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