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3rd POV:

It was just a small game. Simple and yet dangerous. The main idea was a student against a class or two. Showing everyone who could be a hero and who could be a villain. Everyone was one and the other. There was no good or bad! A villain and a hero were one and the same after all. Both are a different side of a coin.

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Power Loader: I don't know what's wrong with the system!

Snipe: Something broke down!

Power Loader: HOW?!

A good question indeed. After all it was the last turn for the week and it was Izuku's turn. Every hero was supposed to play the villain and then go against both classes. Usually a round passed by pretty quickly with the hero's side to win. They had Izuku on the hero team after all. There was no way yhey could lose with the knowledge he had about every single one of them. However, this time somethings was different. It was something we all knew to well. Never give our dear killer rabbit the opportunity to play the villain! Unexpected things might happen!

Too bad that they didn't know that.

Of course, without any need to say it, Nezu made sure to film everything and had an observation room especially made for the teachers to enjoy the show.

Ohh how little they knew what was going on and what they would encounter.

Nezu: Perhaps an energy spike?

Power Loader: Possible but now? We had 39 goes this week and it didn't break at all.

Nezu: You suggesting Izuku having something to do with it?

Power Loader: From what I heard from Mei, he has the knowledge for it.

Aizawa: Impossible.

As to answer that all of the sudden screams could be heard from the audio they were receiving. Some were begging but it was never Izuku's voice that came out of it. Just someone begging for merci. Thanks to a certain rabbit they were completely in the dark not able to see what was going on but hear certain pieces. Just the pieces Izuku wanted them to hear.

Aizawa: .... *Sigh*


Mic: Is that Denki?

Aizawa: Yup.

Nezu: It seems he started the game.

Hound Dog: ... my god! Are you hearing this! We need to stop this!

Vlad King: I agree.

Nezu: First of, we will need some visuals!

The moment the rat stated the obvious another painful scream echoes through the speakers.

RG: Ectoplasm! We need to get there.

Nezu: I strongly suggest otherwise.

RG: NEZU! You have a death wish or something?

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Midnight: I think they are at it again...

Nezu: Not directly.

Hound Dog: But you do have some?

Nezu: Well my dear friend you need some if you are dealing with what I am dealing.

RG: If you go after world domination again!

RG swung her cane from side to side making a very effective threat. Who in the world wouldn't be threatened by a small healer. It was pretty obvious that she was the main person behind the the surface if it comes to leading the school. Some even call her true ruler behind Nezu. She was the heart of UA while Nezu... Well let's be honest that rat was the brain as well as first line against anything the government tried to do against UA.

No one escapes the rat's wrath as well as the healers. Not only that but no one also ever gets away from the rat! He certainly knows everything since he holds the secrets and keys too soo many souls. A true demon... no a Satan!

Nezu: That is not it. However, I refuse sending you in there blindly. You my dear old tea friend wouldn't stand a chance against Izuku.

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Power Loader: Do you know something too?

Mic: Of course, he does!

Midnight: He knows everything!

Vlad King: How about telling us then?

Nezu: I never had some proof but I've always suspected that Izuku might have a grudge against his own class as well as 1B not to mention hiding his intellectuality from us.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Hound Dog: Aizawa, say something.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Do I have to?

Hound Dog: You should know him better than anyone else.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Why do you think I call him problem child?

Hound Dog: ....

Mic: He doesn't want to deal with him.

More screaming could be heard this time coming from Mina.

RG: We have to send someone over!

Nezu: Ectoplasm, would you mind going in?

Hound Dog: You sure Aizawa wouldn't be the better choice.

Nezu: It is quite obvious that he doesn't want to face his problem child for some reasons. We will come to that later. For now we need someone to go in and end the game. I chose Ectoplasm because he has the upper hand when speaking of numbers.

Ectoplasm: I understand.

Just like that the heroes send Ectoplasm to go out and see what was happening.

Little did they knew that Izuku already had half of class 1A out of the game and was only waiting for the heroes to come out too.

This game sure would be quite the surprise forthe heroes and observes following our little green bunny Usagi.

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