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3rd POV (Your dear ghostly friend says hello ) :

Now where were we?!

Ah right!

It was the place where Izuku had half of the heroes on his side. However, can we really say that? They are playing the heroes and yet they so easily gave up and turned to the dark side?

I call hacks!

Wait no cheating!

Still they seem to do a good job so far listening to Izuku, but I don't know about you but Iida is kinda acting sus right there! He is not the only one if you know what I mean. I can see them glancing to each other!

But oh well I am sure Izuku knows what he is doing!

He was just sitting there waiting for Ectoplasm to come to him while every hero in his team was hiding. It was quite the ambush to say the least but ohh what is this?

Is Momo seriously doing some kind of secret hand signal to the others? Are they for real? Ohhh I knew that there was something fishy!

I already told you so!

Will they regret this?

Most likely!


If the likes of mine are able to realize that then that means that Izuku already smells that miles away and has a plan!

I wonder what he is thinking?

Ohh I don't want to know!

Do you see the goosebumps I have because of how he is smiling?

Ahh his silent treatment is creeping me out too!

He is definitely planning something!


Oh damn!

Who pissed that killer rabbit off?

Did he hear me?


That's impossible!



... he did hear me....

Izuku: This is my story now buzz off!


How did you know that it is a story?

Izuku: You kidding me?! You are telling my here and now like a dumb story! Now get lost already and leave me be! I need to focus!

Ahm excuse me?

Izuku: Stop describing this situation! It's annoying!





I don't have a death wish! Now please go on!

As I said that Ectoplasm appeared and he also heard the little killer rabbits' outburst.

Izuku: Why are you even calling me a killer rabbit? You know what?! Don't mind me. I am pretty sure I am going crazy.


Izuku's POV:

I can't believe I started hearing this annoying voice in my head.

To think it was also starting to describe this whole scenario... how annoying really.

It's not like I don't know what is going on!

What is happening?! (UA Civil war game)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz