Chapter 41 : Early Morning Talks

Start from the beginning

"She sounds like a real pain in the ass. You must really like her if you still keep her in the back of your mind like that."

"Oh yeah. She's a real pain in my ass, and you have no idea how she makes me feel..." he let his last words hang in the small space between them, and all Y/n could do was smile. She makes him feel things.

"Tell me more. I wanna know what I'm up against here," they continued to play the game. Nothing but the truth of how they made each other feel.

"Well...we first met when she rudely interrupted my therapy session. Then, she liked me so much that she followed me home, and there I found her...outside my door at four in the morning," he spun his story, entertaining the both of them. She let out a laugh through her nose, and Buckys thumb moved down to rub against her jaw. "I remember wondering why a pretty thing like her wanted to be around someone like me..."

Y/n squeezed his metal hand when he said that, a small hint of sadness showing through her smile, "So, I bought myself some time to figure that out. I dragged her along with me, only for her to fall off of a plane. In that moment, every protective instinct I had, surfaced. It was a nice fall though. It ended with her on top of me," he smirked, even though she couldn't see it, she knew he did. She stayed silent, listening to their story play out with a smile. It was made even better when his voice was narrating every event.

"We went through a lot together. Then, she became my number one priority," Y/n felt her heart burst. He really needed to stop saying things like that, or else one day she'd die of loss of oxygen. "Overtime, I fell for her. I remember the day when we sat on a pier, and she was crying-"

"I'm sure she wasn't crying. She probably just had dust in her eyes, and a tear or two fell," she cut him off, and he stopped to smile at her. She still refused to open her eyes.

"Right...well, all I remember was how hard it was to see her doubt how much she meant to me," he said, and Y/n's smile slightly dropped from the memory, "I also remember how much I wanted to kiss her that day," Y/n blushed at his words, "But then my friend, Sam, just had to ruin the moment."

There it was. Out of everything he said, that's what made her shoot her eyes open. She was almost startled by the way his piercing, blue eyes were already boring into hers, but she continued, "Friend?" she questioned with a wide, shit-eating grin.

He hummed in response, with a slight shrug of his shoulder as if it wasn't a big deal. To Y/n, it was everything. Bucky Barnes admitted to being friends with Sam Wilson.

She laughed, "Well then, go on."

He obeyed, "That night, we slept on the couch together. She was wrapped up in my arms, and that was probably the best night of sleep I'd ever gotten. Especially when uhh...I woke up with her on top of me..." he muttered, with a sort of shy laugh, his eyes drifting away from hers.

"You seem to really like that, huh?" Y/n smirked. It was no use hiding what they thought of each other whenever they were in close proximity.

" could I not? Like I said, she's beautiful," he lifted his eyes back to meet her brown ones. They stared for a few moments. He couldn't stop saying it. It was like an overwhelming feeling where he needed to make her understand how beautiful she was to him, both inside and out.

Y/n smiled, waiting for him to go on. She liked hearing their story.

"Y'know what else I really like?"

She gave him an expectant look, awaiting his answer.

"I really like when she falls asleep on me. When she hugs me. When she holds my hand. It's...insane," he whispered the last part for dramatic effect, and her smile grew. It was quite possibly her favourite conversation, mostly dominated by his voice, all for her to listen to.

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