49| You Won |Rated R

Start from the beginning

Dear Devin,
Hey best friend! I know you must be confused, or concerned, or scared, but I promise I'm okay! Hell, I'm really happy whilst writing this. I'm quite excited for what's to come. I get to visit Marabella soon! Isn't that exciting!? I can't even remember all the times I've told you about wanting to see her again, and I'm finally doing it! I still need to write Nick a note, and I'm dreading it. I wrote Greyson's first, then Dallas, then mom and Dad, then Madison, you and next is Nick. I have my favorite boys first and last. It felt weird writing Grey's, but it almost felt threptic. I'm sure you are finding this note and reading that I'm excited must be a weird feeling, but I promise this is what I want. I'm finally ready. My son has people who care for him, my boyfriend has his own family, my parents have their perfect daughters, everyone's set. I guess there is really just you left, but you have Dallas. I'm sorry I won't make it to your wedding, but I promise Mar and I will watch from above! I can't wait to see you get married! I hope you find a new best man ;) I sadly can't make it! I know you and Dallas are working hard on planning your wedding, and that I was supposed to be a part of it next year, and I'm truly sorry I'm canceling on you like this, but at least I won't be ruining your wedding photos and you don't have to hire someone to edit me out now! Gotta look at the bright side of this, and all the things that will be easier. Please be the best father figure to Greyson, especially if Nick bails. I understand Nick has his own family to worry about, so why should he worry about mine? But I truly hope he stays with Greyson. Greyson loves him to pieces, and I would hate for Grey to lose another dad, so please promise me you'll raise him right with Dallas! I'm putting my trust and faith in you guys to do the right thing and teach my kid how to be a good person in this fucked up society! Please for the love of god don't let my innocent baby boy end up like his father! You know that is my worst fear! For him to end up just as fucked up as his mom and dad! I want better for him. You're better for him. I'm going to miss you, Devin. Miss our sleepovers and movie nights. Our car ride arguments over music and you judging my nail color. Lilac will always beat baby blue buddy, and you can't argue with the dead. It's considered disrespectful! Can't talk shit about the dead! I'll haunt your ass so fucking hard! But in all seriousness, I'm going to miss you, but something that I have to keep in mind, is that we aren't losing each other. I will always be with you, and I promise every time you fall flat on your face because you're just as clumsy as I am, I'll be laughing at you from above. Speaking of me, you better still continue the birthday traditions! Just because I'm gone doesn't mean the traditions stop! I will make your life hell if you miss them! I really need to stop writing to you... it's almost time to get ready, and I still have Nicks to write... I just don't want to say goodbye. I don't want you to hate me, or to watch you cry. Hopefully when you get this, I'll be gone... so I'll tell you what my plan is. Please send someone else to find me, I don't want you to see me like this, okay? Please just trust me, and please don't tell anyone else where I am... I don't want to ruin it for them. I love you guys so fucking much, please know that this is the right decision for me, even if it feels wrong. I'm 100% sober and I've really thought about this. All the treatment centers were just a Band-Aid to my wounds, and it's hard to heal when they're constantly getting dirty, so It's time for me to go be with my baby girl and protect her up there and you guys down here. I'm sorry this letter isn't very sappy... I just wanted the last thing you had of me to be something that would make you smile. I hope you continue to smile that gorgeous smile. I can't wait to watch your wedding from above, and the birth of your children... I can't wait to watch you continue life. This is just the end of our chapter. I love you Devin, forever and always, I promise.

Under her name was an address and I felt myself choke out a sob.

There was no way in hell I could tell the police without Nick or Dallas overhearing, which meant I had to go get her myself and just pray to god I made it in time.

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