pet? ≈YanlamiaErrorXInk≈(old)

561 15 12

Requested by AqilahDawinterWolf

(Sorry I took a long time)


I was laying in my cage it was quite small not really enough space to move around tho it was better then nothing.
I gazed at the window of the shop where all the people that pass by can see us. Not going to lie its quite boring just watching them pass by..tho what's most annoying about this is when kids are tapping on the glass waking up yet today was different... I was sleeping intell I felt hands pick me up from my cage as I looked up noticeing it was the shop keeper as I yawned feeling him give me to somone makeing me flinch looking at them..they had a black splat mark on the corner of there face an he was a skelton, I gazed at his eyelights as they shift different colors and shapes not going to lie he was quite warm an..nice so I wrapped my tail around his arm hissing softly before going back to sleep

[Few hours later]

I jolted up awake due to the sound of a car horn as I looked around. . I was in a car... I flinched as I felt a hand pat me as I looked at ink wait.. I've been adopted? He then pulled up into his drive way as I looked out the window
His house look like your normal usual house as I could feel myself being lifted up an brought inside as I can feel my tail wrap around his arm it was nice an warm in here as I leaned against him yawning grasping onto the scarf that he wears as I perked up hearing a voice. . . A nuther skelton but with a red scar under his eyes.. I already don't like him to be honest I hissed at him clinging onto ink as I could hear ink let out a chuckle makeing me look at him then glare at cross giveing him the I will kill you glare as he seemed nervous makeing me smirk cuddling ink.
Yes this is mine now.

〔Ink Pov〕

I laughed as i watched are new pet glare at my boyfriend as it seems he'd already jealous not going to lie he was quite small for his kind tho the shop keeper did say he is in fact 22 years old
Which is a year older then me, not going to lie he was quite cute as I rubbed his head makeing cross jealous. "Hmm ima name him.. Ereo!" Cross stared at me soon getting it an stares at me in pure disappointment. "Really?.. Ereo?. Oreo?." He said disappoitedly as I begin to weezee nodding as I looked down at error/Ereo as he was fast asleep makeing me luagh a bit an bring him to his new cage.




If only I didn't bring him in if only I haven't brought up the idea..

I stared as cross was on the ground bleeding...
I couldn't feel much at that moment but.. if I had a would hurt as I can feel error nuzzle me from behind..
Im... trapped
what can I do now...I..I'm sorry cross I soon begin to tear up a bit as I can feel my emotions drift away due to me forgetting about my vials... i..I'm sorry crossy..

-the end-

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