Y.DreamxKiller an yan.ShattredxCross(old)

467 8 2

Requested by TheSparkleUnicorn1


I fell to my knees as I watched the tentacle burst from Dreams back. It..hurt hearing his bones crackle I can feel killer dragging me as he screams for me to come on. All..I could hear was..bones crackling. With tears streaming from my eyesockets, I soon begined screaming dreams name trying to run towards him only to be held back by killer "COME ON CROSS!!" he yelled as I tried grabbing onto shattred* "DREAM!! P..PLEASE COME BACK!!" I stopped in my tracks when I saw...a..nuther dream? Hes..diffrent.. who is he?! He's not my dream..hes..
I heard killer cuss as he telported us away.

『7 weeks later』

I'm so..tired me an killer had been running au to au for so ..long it....hosntly ugh... everything hurts its going to the point we're the same nightmsre reapts..over and over AND OVER...I can't sleep..killers been sleeping picefully from what I've seen yet so far..it's so hard.. I keep seeing him I hugged my knees looking at the sky of outertale. It's nice at least..tho I can't sleep... my eyes hurt an my visons getting blury. I looked at killer before slowly getting up walking off heading to the village to see if I can buy sleeping pills. But when I got there I saw..fire..it was so big! Dear god.. i jerked up when I heard a fimalair chuckle makeing me shake voielty as I slowly turned around..dream?! I begined sprinting away quickly yet was slow from lack of sleep an vision being bad I didn't wanna trip as I felt a tentacle wrap around my waist bringing me to him as I screamed for killer to help me..yet no luck. My throat hurt as I faced him...shattred dream... I felt tears running down my cheek bones as I shook violently..yet for some reason I started to feel..calm..tired both? I soon stopped shakeing slightly going limp falling asleep I felt him.useing his tentacles to hold me close.to his chest makeing sureI was comfortable...I can hear..his soul..it's nice...I yawned falling asleep listing to the thumping of his soul.



-somwhere new.-

I woke up in a..cage? I jerked up looking around before noticeing killer in a nuther cage fuck they found us! Shit! Shit shit!!! I held my head panicking digging my hands into my head before soon stopping hearing s.dream enter the room and a nuther dream? It was..strange 2..dream I scooted back to the back of the cage as > saw his tentacle open the cage grabbing me before yanking me out I was about to summon a blaster but..it didn't work? Wtf?! I screamed in my head as I tried to get lose only to be dragged back to s.dream as I begin panicking no..no..no.no!! I pushed him away and begined sprinting away out the door I can hear his foot steps walking after me.

POV. kills

Aghh My head. I sat up looking around flinching when I heard dream giggle makeing me flinch looking over at him dam bitch. Dear god. I sat up glaring at him he walked towards my cage opening it i tackled him before feeling a sharp pain in my chest coughing up blood he dessumoned his dagger makeing me collapse on him as blood leaks From the stab wound I felt his hand rub the top of my skull as I looked up seeing cross being held by s.dream. Ngl..he looked exhausted..I can't fight..like this..everything's turning white... shit...I let out a weak sign mumbling "sorry...cross" I blacked out. Great...stuck with "them" round...2

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