A Very Deserve Christmas - Blurb

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"I'm just teasing, baby," Noah turned on her sweet voice to make up for her words. "Look, we have about two weeks to relax now and then we'll deal with the flight home when the time comes. Don't let that ruin your kids' Christmas though, okay?"

Knowing that Noah was correct and he was simply just grumpy, Harry sighed and jokingly asked, "I guess I should try to actually be a good dad, huh?"

Noah giggled and moved her hand to caress Harry's cheek, giving him a few loving pats. "Oh, shut it. You're the best dad ever. And I'm sure Cody loved getting to spend so much time with her daddy during the whole flight."

Harry let out a scoffed laugh, remembering how Cody clung to him and insisted on being on his lap the whole flight. "Sure, yeah, she sure had the time of her life. Wish I could say the same."

"See? That's why you're the best dad ever. Even though it was miserable for you, you still gave her all of your attention."

"Uh huh," Harry said, focusing on the road ahead of him as he was still adjusting to driving on the other side of the road again.

England during Christmastime was absolutely magical. At least, in Noah's eyes it was. She was so excited to be spending Christmas there yet again, as it had been a few years since they were there for the holidays. In fact, the last time they spent Christmas there was when Leo was two, so the other kids had not gotten the chance to experience it yet. It was not River's first time in England, though, as they had visited in the summer since, but it was Cody's first time.

"It's true!" Noah insisted. "Anyway, did you tell your mom we landed safely and are on our way yet?"

"Not yet, I had my hands full with Cody and the rental and everything," Harry answered before grabbing his phone from the cup holder and holding it out to Noah, "here, can you just send her a quick text?"

Taking Harry's phone, Noah sent a text to Harry's mom, Evelyn, letting her know that they were on their way from the airport after arriving safely.

Finally, after a lengthy drive, the family pulled up to Evelyn's home, where Noah began the process of gently waking the kids in the car. Thankfully, Leo and River woke up pretty easily and were actually excited to see their grandmother, but Cody was a little grumpy after having her sleep disturbed and was therefore pouting while Harry carried her to the front door.

Leo was the first to reach the door, so he knocked excitedly and waited as River and Noah followed close behind him, with Harry and Cody being at the back.

Evelyn opened the door with a beaming smile and was quick to embrace her two grandsons happily in each arm, giving them a tight squeeze while declaring how happy she was to see them. Leo and River were beyond excited to see their nan as well, so they hugged her back just as strongly.

While they ran inside to see the large Christmas tree stacked with presents underneath, Evelyn warmly greeted Noah with a hug before letting her inside and instantly gushing over baby Cody. She had seen Cody only six months prior, since Evelyn flew over for the birth, but it was such a drastic difference to see her as a newborn to a six-month-old.

They continued their greetings as Noah followed the boys inside, finding them at the Christmas tree.

"Oh my gosh, that tree is gigantic!" She exclaimed when she noticed that Evelyn spared no expense on the decorations that year, most likely because she wanted to make it as fun as possible for her grandchildren.

Noah absolutely adored Evelyn for that.

"It's so cool!" Leo said, inspecting the intricate ornaments that were scattered around the branches.

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