Chapter 11

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Alex's POV:

"I hope you understand the consequences of your actions" Mario said

"Yes Mario" I said kind of broadly I've been sitting in an irrigation room for hours when I should be at the hospital with my family. Mario has been nonstop talking and I have been staring at these plane walls for just as long as I've been here and it was giving me a headache.

"You shot a man Miss Andrews"

"I know Mario now if your done briefing me on what I already know could you tell me when my Lawyer will be here"

"I am your Lawyer" he said which shocked me


"Yes not only am your Manager but I also just so happen to be a lawyer 7 years of it " he said

Oh dad what a smart man you are I thought to myself. Just then Mario slapped a small stack of papers on the table.

"You are going to sign these papers stating that you won't leave town and that you'll testify in court they are trying to build a case but has so little to go on as the main victim is unresponsive at the moment" he explained I looked at him wide eyed.

"What the hell do you mean unresponsive"

"I don't know much as your parents didn't say much all I know is that Maddison is ok she's alive walking and talking all she suffered from was that blow to the head which will heal and she'll be able to go home tomorrow"

"And Hayden"

"Her injuries are a lot worse some of them being old and not taking care of the doctors won't say any more just that she's unresponsive at the moment"

"Ok give me the damn papers I have to get Out of here"

"Ok but you should know if you agree to testify then if Hayden pull through you'd have to convince her to do the same if not that's your behind on the line she needs the prove that. It was self-defense" he said I sighed taking the papers and signing my name.

"This is stupid the girl is in the hospital and so is my little sister how much more proof do they need. I said Mario just gave me a pat on the shoulders as an attempt to Comfort me.

After they let me go the first place I went was to the hospital but when I walked in they told me that visiting hours was over.

"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over"

"For the 5th time I don't care"

"Look ma'm I'm going to have to ask you to leave"

"Well you can ask all you want but that don't mean I'll obey"

"That's it I'm calling security" she said picking up the phone

"That won't be necessary" dr. Martin said walking up to us

"But sir-"

"She's with me I called her in nurse she's a patient"  he said cutting her off the woman nodded and went back to her computer and I turned to face Dr. Martin

"Dr. Martin I need to see a friend of mine and my sister"

"I'm not supposed to allow you back at this time of night but I'll make an exception for you now this friend of yours are you in anyway related to her?" He asked

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