26 - Hidden Treasures

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Friday arrived and I hadn't heard from Mom all week. This wasn't unusual, except for the fact that she seemed eager to make amends after our conversation in Miami. I tried not to read too much into it and expected her to roll into town before my shift. The more disturbing thing was that she hadn't posted anything new on her vlog.

"Still no word from your parents?" Cabe asked as we FaceTimed during breakfast.

"Nothing. I'm trying not to let my imagination run wild. If Dad had been busted by the cops, I'm sure I would have heard about it."

"I wasn't going to mention this until you started to worry, but it might be worthwhile to check with the marina to see if the boat is still in its slip."

"Yeah, I thought of that. Maybe I'll give Luke a call. He owns the store there, and he knows my dad."

"Do you think he'll share that kind of information over the phone? Even if you tell him who you are, I doubt he'll see that as discrete."

"You're probably right." I sighed over my coffee as that old familiar worry returned.

"I know someone who would do it—our housekeeper. He lives in that area. Let me text him. I think it would give you some peace of mind."

"Okay. Thanks, Cabe. So, now that we've taken care of my problem, did you make any progress with your dad?"

"I did. As of next week, Franklin Commercial will be split into two companies, Acquisitions and Property Management."

"And your dad is giving you full control of the property management side?"

"Yep. Once I sign on the dotted line." He raised his fork in the air as a mock toast before taking a bite. "Then Pour Decisions will be our first property under my protection, and you and your mom can rest easy."

"I'm glad you and your dad worked things out. What about your plan to move to South Carolina to be closer to your girlfriend? Did you mention that part yet?" I smiled at him through the screen, and he smiled back.

"I'll drop that bomb on him after the ink dries. It's going to happen whether he likes it or not."

We finished our breakfast together and said our goodbyes. My life was looking pretty good, as long as Mom didn't do something stupid to mess it up. Besides packing up my life and moving it north, the only logistic left to manage was hiring a bar manager. I really wanted Jackson to take the job, but he was going to be a hard sell after that dumb stunt Mom pulled on him.

I called Jackson and asked him to meet me at the bar before his shift so we could talk. On my way in, Cabe texted.

'The boat is not at the marina, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.'

I knew he was trying to keep me from worrying, but I'd had too much practice to stop now. The night was still young, and there was plenty of time for Mom to show up and tell me that dad had to disappear again.

"Hey, June." Jackson greeted me behind the bar as he helped Jill change one of the beer taps. "I'll be right with you. I think I discovered why this tap has been foaming up."

"You do your thing." I escaped into the office and started on some paperwork while I waited. A few minutes later, he appeared at the door.

"There's a man calling himself Leo here to see you."

What was our attorney doing here? I followed Jackson back into the bar and found Leo enjoying a beer at a table. Funny. He didn't strike me as a beer drinker.

"Hi, Leo. What brings you into Pour Decisions?"

He patted the seat next to him and I sat down. "I came in to talk with you. And to deliver this." He pulled a manilla envelope out of his briefcase, and my stomach took a dive. The last time I saw a manilla envelope, it contained private information that I would have preferred to keep private.

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