16 - The New Arrival

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I stopped at the bar after pulling into town, despite my exhaustion and desire to do the complete opposite. Mom wanted to include me in the interviews she'd scheduled that afternoon, so I'd been fielding her calls on the drive home. But quizzing people about their knowledge of beer taps while shooting down the freeway at seventy-five miles an hour wasn't exactly productive.

The Sunday crowd greeted me, and Carol gestured me over with her Corona. "Finally." She pointed down the bar where my mom was talking with a twenty-something guy in a denim jacket. "He finished his interview two hours ago, but he's still here. I think your mom is hot for him."

"That must be Jackson. I talked to him on the phone. He has a ton of bartending experience. Maybe she decided to hire him on the spot." I knew Mom was desperate to fill the position I was about to vacate, and it wouldn't hurt business to have a cutie tending bar. "I guess I better introduce myself."

"Be careful. If he sucked your mom in, there's no telling what he'll do with someone closer to his age. How are things with Mister Extra, by the way?"

"He's still hanging in there."

"Good for him. He seems decent."

I let her comment go without a reply. While Carol enjoyed hearing about my sexploits, I knew she was gunning for me to find Mr. Right. As much as she hated to admit it, she was a hopeless romantic.

When Mom saw me approach, she hurried to vacate her barstool so she could shove me into it. "June, I want you to meet Jackson. I've just hired him as your replacement."

"Okay. That seems reasonable." I tried not to focus too hard on the guy's chiseled features. His appearance screamed 'well-seasoned player', and I had no doubt he would attract customers like seagulls to a bag of McDonald's fries. "Welcome to Pour Decisions, Jackson. How soon can you start?"

"I'm good to go as soon as you need me. Like I said on the phone, I've been on hiatus in Hawaii and just got back."

That explained the golden tan, although he could have built that here. "Is Daytona Beach home for you, then?"

"Born and raised. My sister moved to Boston to make babies with a doctor, but my mom's still here."

I smiled. The guy had a smooth style. Perfect. "Well, if my mom thinks you're good for the bar, then who am I to disagree. Can you meet me here at ten tomorrow morning? We'll go over the basics before doors open at eleven. Then you can shadow me until shift change at five."

"Sounds great." He flashed me a prince charming smile, and I slipped out of my chair before his charismatic juju could infiltrate my tired brain.

"Well, I've had a busy weekend and a shitty drive. I need my beauty rest."

He chuckled. "You're kidding, right? You and your mom don't need sleep to make you beautiful. You've got biology."

"Oh, Jackson." Mom slapped his arm playfully, and I rolled my eyes as I walked away. This guy might prove to be a little too smooth.

~      ~      ~

The next day, I passed Jackson riding his bike as we both turned into the parking lot at the same time. Clearly this was his usual mode of transport. His legs were toned as hell, and he wore the gear of an experienced rider.

"I didn't realize you were a cyclist," I said as I parked my gas guzzling crossover. "You didn't mention it on the phone."

"It didn't seem important. Your mom said I could keep my bike in the storage closet."

"I'm not sure it'll fit. There's a ton of crap in there."

"I checked the space last night. It'll be fine if I take off the front tire."

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