17 - Improper Propositions

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Trigger Warning: This chapter explores a situation that may be uncomfortable for some.

Cabe just wouldn't leave me alone. As my feet pounded the wet sand on my morning run, his eyes followed me along the beach—those deep, mystical eyes. The worst part was, I didn't fight the images that swam in and out of my thoughts; his humor, the smirk he often wore, the way he hesitated before he kissed me.

And each time it happened, I felt a funny squelch in my gut, a good squelch. When his 'Good morning' text appeared on my way to Easy Eddies, the squelch came back. Strangely, this seemed to temper my attitude when I met Mom for breakfast.

"You look like a girl who just got laid?" she said as I took a seat in our favorite booth.

"That's a runner's glow, Mom. Why do you have to make things weird?"

"Just keeping you on your toes." Her hair was pulled into a messy bun, which was strange even for eight in the morning, but I didn't read too much into it. "Did you decide if you're going to say yes to Jackson's proposal?"

"No, I haven't decided. I'll give him another day to prove he's not a self-absorbed ass."

"Most men fit that description. When has it ever stopped you from dating? You've been working hard for months on end. Let loose."

I couldn't argue with her. I'd been completely focused on school for the better part of two years. And most men were self-absorbed asses. Katie arrived with our coffees, and Mom asked about her jewelry-making business. When it was just me and Mom again, she got that look in her eye

"I know you've had a lot going on, but I'd really like to get this bar contract settled," she said. "I hope you've had enough time to look it over because I've invited Leo to join us for breakfast. He should be here in 10 minutes."

"I'm not ready to sign. I don't like the way the contract is worded. Leo is making a trip for nothing."

"No, he's not. If you want to tweak things, we can do that while he's here."

This was my mom to a T—making plans behind my back to put me at a disadvantage. "I need to make a call."

I dialed Cabe as I left the table and walked outside, hoping I would catch him before he got busy.

"Morning, sunshine."

"Cabe, are you busy?" I didn't bother with niceties. Leo had just pulled into the diner's parking lot."

"I'm never too busy to talk to you. What's up?"

"My mom invited our lawyer to breakfast without telling me. She wants me to sign the contract. I told her I wanted to make some changes, and I think she wants to do that now."

"You don't have to sign anything."

"I know, but I also want to put this shit behind me or I'll end up strangling the woman. Would it be possible to include your family lawyer in a FaceTime call while we discuss things?"

"I don't know if he does FaceTime. He's pretty old school. But you can put him on speaker. Let me see if he's free. I'll call you right back."

I paced the parking lot while I waited, waving at Leo as he passed by. I hadn't seen him in five years, but he seemed to recognize me. Through the diner window, I watched him take a seat across from Mom. I knew she wouldn't waste any time telling him I was being a problem.

My phone rang, and I answered without looking at the screen. "Hey."

"I talked to Guido, and he has some time to spare. But he's on the road and doesn't like to talk business and drive. Give him fifteen minutes then call him at the number I'm texting you right now."

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