9 - Vanessa's Legs

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The trip to Jupiter took no time at all. Maybe because Cabe had perfected the art of conversation. I discovered he appreciated the music of Duke Ellington, a favorite of Dad's, and he enjoyed British humor. Both of these earned him points. The only hurdle left would require a bedroom. Actually, anywhere private would do the job.

"I should probably fill you in on our friends with the yacht." Cabe secured the Corvette in a parking garage next to a large marina and yanked our suitcases out of the pint-sized trunk. "They're proud of their money, so they can get arrogant and braggy. I want you to know their attitudes don't reflect mine. That probably sounded arrogant, didn't it?"

"I think I know you well enough not to judge you for it."

He scowled at the ground, probably cursing himself. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, you might see a side of me that you haven't seen before. I have to put on my asshole armor with these people. Play their game, if you know what I mean. I just don't want you to change your mind about me before we reach South Beach."

"Who are these people I'm meeting, besides being your dad's business associates?"

"Have you heard of Lucy Mann Enterprises?"

"No. Should I have?"

"No, but I thought I'd ask. They manage properties around the globe. Lucy's is a real character. I expect you've served her type before; loud and unafraid to tell it like it is."

"Will I get to meet her?"

"I doubt it. She's always traveling. It'll be her husband or son."

We were headed down a wide dock covered in non-slip flooring and dotted with light fixtures under weatherproof boxes. I didn't doubt most of the yachts moored there were worth a million or more. "Color me impressed," I said. "I don't know much about yachts; our family was the houseboat type. But I can recognize quality when I see it."

"We're looking for slip seventeen. It should be near the end."

We didn't need much help finding the right yacht. All we had to do was follow the thump of bass as the musical stylings of Kaskade led us to slip seventeen. Whoever chose the playlist had a good ear for house music, and I decided to give the responsible party the benefit of the doubt when it came time to assess their character.

"Cabe! Oh, my God. Is it really you?" Like claws on a blackboard, a woman's shrill voice broke through the heavy beat, and my sex kitten radar went off as an overly tan blonde wearing a white bikini traversed the deck like a runway model. There was history between her and Cabe. I would have bet money on it.

"Vanessa. I didn't expect to see you." This much was apparent. Cabe stood like an anchor on the dock as he made a quick grab for my hand.

"Mom didn't tell you? I've taken a permanent position in Miami. The gig in Germany ended up being a poor long-term investment."

"I'm sorry to hear that . . . about the Germany gig, that is." Cabe glanced at me, looking a little lost. It was a new look for him, and it had my stomach taking a tumble. "This is my friend, June. She's the reason I'm imposing on your gracious hospitality."

"Oh, Cabe. It's never an imposition when it comes to you. Welcome aboard, June. I'm still figuring out our itinerary, but now that you're here, I can get your input." Vanessa reached her hand out to me, and I had no choice but to let her help me up the ladder.

Although I tried not to judge this woman with her perfectly sculpted body, endless legs, and cheekbones shaped like the Swiss Alps, she didn't seem to harbor any judgements against me.

"What do you like to drink?" Vanessa still had my hand in a vice grip as she hauled me forward, leaving Cabe to manage the suitcases.

"I'm a gin and tonic girl."

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