12 - Legit

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Cabe and I returned home via commuter train then bus then his Corvette. He stayed the night and left early the next morning. It was difficult to say goodbye, but knowing we would see each other on his dad's birthday made it easier. I was a fucking goner.

When I showed up for work, my mom was all over me about my trip to Miami with my new boyfriend. "He's not my boyfriend. We're just having fun." I swept the floor of the bar while she talked to my back.

"Don't play that shit with me, Junie. Apart from Derek, you've never shown this much interest in a guy."

"That's because most guys are self-absorbed assholes."

"So, what makes this one different?"

"Like I said, he's fun." I turned around to make sure she wasn't recording our conversation. "What does it matter? You're out of here as soon as I sign that contract."

She tried to look hurt. "I care about your happiness. Do you think I don't care about you?"

My body responded with a guilty twinge, but I had been there before. I knew my parents loved me, but they always had their own agendas. And now I had mine. "I know you care, and I'm doing my best to find my own happiness. I'm a big girl, Mom."

She pulled me into her arms, and I was forced to drop the broom to hug her back. I couldn't say how I felt about it. So much shit had gone down between us. It was probably more sympathy than anything else. "I know you are, baby. And I'm so proud of you."

The weekend progressed normally, and I looked forward to the daily texts from Cabe. He never failed to make me laugh. On Tuesday, I had my video interview with the University of South Carolina. I knew in my gut that it went well, and by Thursday I got confirmation.

"They want an in-person interview!" I told Cabe as I laid in bed.

"I had no doubt you would impress them. When is this interview?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. They were understanding if I couldn't make it, but I really want this job. It's perfect."

"Then we'll make it happen. How can I help?"

"You've already done so much. You've been the best cheerleading squad I could ask for, but I've got this. I'll drive up in the morning, manage the interview, and stay the night at a hotel. Then I'll head over to your family's cabin on Saturday for the party."

"Are you sure you don't want an escort? You'll be navigating unfamiliar terrain."

I let his comment slide. I'd learned that most guys liked to think they were better at everything. "I've traveled the southeast plenty. I was on the track team, remember?"

"Sorry, my bad. I'll email you a detailed map so you can find the cabin. It's kind of tucked away."

"That'll be helpful, thanks."

I spent the evening packing and realizing that my clothing choices sucked. After I landed this job, I was due for a shopping splurge. The drive to South Carolina could have been better. I got stuck in traffic on I-95 and barely made my interview on time. 

"I'm here to see Coach Bello," I told the woman at the desk as I glanced at the mascot-themed clock on the wall.

"June Cashmere, right? Awesome!"

Wearing a smile that I took as a good omen, she popped out of her chair and led me to an office filled with windows, showing me the beautiful, albeit landlocked, landscape I could look forward to. Another woman with a long braid of black hair and even longer legs stood from her desk to greet me. I recognized her from our video chat, and couldn't help feeling like a fangirl, given that she held the college record for most free throws in a game until last year.

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