Chapter Thirteen

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The friends gathered  into Aurora's room all sitting on the floor in a circle they all got to the manor as soon as they got the urgent message from the girl, "Are you sure this is connected?" Cami asks the girl.

"It has to be, it's the first of the month, the turn of the moon before the solstice. One sacrifice tonight. One then."

"That would mean its you he wants.

This time its one of our families at stake, its different."

"What about the cost of us? We are chasing someone who hasn't been seen in 200 years." Elijah adds to the conversation.

"It doesn't matter, we have something he doesn't have," Aurora starts but Elijah interrupts her.

"An ability to die?!?"

"We have Momento Mori, we know we have a timer in our life and we know we will die. We have that defense on ourselves."

"We don't know if we can beat this person," Elijah shrugs at his friends. "Aurora, you have been doing magic for about six months, he has been for 200 years."

"Thanks for the confidence boost." She says sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Just being realistic."

    The group left her room and made their way over to the study where they all started searching for anything that could help.

"I found something!" Elijah exclaims holding up the old torn book. Aurora grabs it out of his hand, she opens it up to the first page but it was blank.

"Its blank?!" Cami exclaims taking it from her friend, but she quickly takes it back noticing something.

"Take a look at this." she points to a small spot of brown that looks like it's been there for years.

"I don't understand, all I see is a stain." Scott states, Aurora rolls her eyes at him.

She picks up a letter opener and cuts her finger tip, letting the crimson blood hit the page, repeating the spell that started it all.  "Ostende Invisibilia."

Within seconds words appear on the page that once remained bare, and she starts to read aloud.

"Even though I was raised to be who I am now, part of me still feel like this is something wrong. I took my first human life at the age of 15, and then again at 17, but this time was different. Taking the life of five people in the course of a year takes a toll on the human soul. Turns you into something that almost isn't human."" The writing on the page ends and she turns it over to the next.


" It's been 199 years since I did the spell, and finally I'm going to be going back home, the pace where the spell can be complete once more and I can have someone to live this lonely life with me, and when I arrived and walked the new streets of the town I grew up in someone caught my eyes a beautiful girl who I soon found out was Emily Myst and there I knew she was the one I want by my side. That same day I met with the coven I once belonged to. At first they didn't believe me until I spoke the spell out loud. The same spell that turned me immortal. After I told them my plan and they agreed, even the leader Emily's mother. Saying it would be an honor to have her daughter being the second in our covens history."

    The four kids sit along the floor together in silence as she finishes the page, "Could you imagine being around for 517 years?" Scott breaks the silence, "I mean we are 17."
"18." Elijah interrupts him quickly.

Scott continues, ignoring Elijah "It feels like forever already but add another 200 years. Crazy."

"Is there more?" Cami asks, wanting to know the whole story, Aurora turns the page and nods so she starts reading again.

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