𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙

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As the new day started, Aurora sat up in her bad after a sleepless night, thinking about what she read the night before in the towns old police records. The thought of what Emily told her being real scared her. Sacrifices going through the town, people dying, innocent kids from what she gathered in the little bit of information she had. Aurora refused to read more of the cases from the records scared she will figure out what is going to happen next, who will die, and how many after, until whoever is causing this chaos.

"Aurora, honey it's time for school." Her mother opens the door, looking straight at the tired teen.

"I'll be down in a second." She tries her best to smile at her mom but her tired features take over her face, her mother just nodded and left the room. Slowly she got up and made her way to her unpacked suitcase, Aurora shook her head as she thought of the reason why she hasn't unpacked. "Too busy finding out magic is real to do it huh?" She laughs slightly to herself as she picks out a pair of black jeans and a hoodie for the day.

'This'll do.' She thought to herself as she got dressed.

"We are leaving in five minutes!!" She heard her mother shout from downstairs, with a frustrated groan, Aurora pulled her unbrushed hair into a bun before rushing to where she placed the books in the night before and grabbing the two, she puts them in her backpack before rushing downstairs where her family was impatiently waiting for her.

"Sorry." She smiles sheepishly as she rushes out the door where her siblings where already waiting in the car.

"Took you long enough." Trevor the youngest Finchley complains as she gets into the car, and soon their parents do the same, and the children are on their way to school.

Once Aurora bid her family a farewell as she exited the car she immediately spotted, Elijah. "Lijah" She shouted, running over the boy

"Hey, nice to see you too." He laughs slightly at the girl running over to her.

"I have to show you something." Aurora tells him, slightly debating with herself.

"What?'" Elijah asks intrigued on what she has to show.

"I want to show all of you. It's crazy." As if on cue, Scott walked over with Cami following behind him.

"Hey Aurora." Scott smiled at his new friend.

"Dude, what about me?" Elijah mocks being hurt that his best friend didn't acknowledge him first.

"I drove you to school."


"Anyways, Aurora here has something she needed to show us." Elijah informs his friends.

"What?" Cami asks looking at the girl she found slightly more trustworthy as the days go on. Aurora quickly looked around for Cyfrin because she wanted him to see as well, but when she didn't see him in sight she opened her backpack and pulled it out.

"Woah." Elijah says looking at the old book, she held in her hand.

"When I got home yesterday, the study that's across from my room was somehow unlocked, and I found this." She opens the book.

"What is it?" Cami wonders, interested about what Aurora was holding in her hands.

"It's the police record for 1769 to 1820." She starts turning the specific page she read last night. "Around this same time 200 years ago, the same thing that's happening now happened then."

"What do you mean?" Scott asks slightly confused.

"The children disappearing, the murders, all have the same memo," She turns the book so the other three can read what she did the night before, there was silence for a few seconds as they read what was on the page.

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