Everyone is nice to the new kid...right

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I hear a beeping sound and turn to see the alarm clock, "it's already 6, 5 more minutes", I say with a yawn as I turn off the alarm and turn away from it. "Elizabeth first day of school, hurry up!", my mom yells from downstairs, i groan and put the cover over my head. What feels like a few minutes later, I hear someone come into my room. Few seconds later, my mom pulls the covers off of me. "You slept in your school starts in 10 minutes" her mom said as she walked out of the room, Elizabeth looked at the clock and saw it was 7:20. My eyes widened as I got up from bed, I grabbed some clothes from my drawer, and ran straight into my bathroom. I threw my clothes down on the ground, and hopped into the shower. After ten seconds I fell to the ground and hit my head, "ow" I said as I raised my hand and turned my hand and the water turned off. I stuck my hand over my tail, I curled my fingers in and heat hit my tail up. After a minute my tail turned back to legs, I got up, "no time for a bath right now" I said as I threw on 90's for pants, a button up shirt, and a nirvana short sleeve as well as black Nikes. I brushed through my hair real quick, ran out of the bathroom, and grabbed my backpack. I ran downstairs, grabbed a granola bar, "bye mom" I yelled as ran outside. The school was very close, like a 5 minute walk, I ran all the way there with my backpack in my hand hitting my leg it was closest to as I ran. "I'm gonna be late" I said with a groan, at least I have an excuse I think to myself. I look at the school it's pretty big, "South Coast High School" I read the letters off the sign. I sigh before finding the office due to all the signs, I go inside no one was at the front desk, "hello" I say. "Oh hi" a lady says as she peeks her head up, she was probably bent down and looking for something. She was an old white lady, her eyes looked kind, "I'm new" I said standing right there awkwardly. "Right what's your name sweetheart?, wait is it Elizabeth Parker" she asks, "yes?" I said confused. "Here's your schedule" she says as she hands me the one on the counter, "thank you.." I say as I grab it and walk out. I look down at the schedule "I have physics honors first" I say out loud and groan. I have no idea where I'm going, I look at all the downstairs classroom numbers "108? It's nowhere" I say as I glance at the stairs and groan. I walk up the stairs and look at the numbers and finally find it all the way at the end of the hallway. If I quietly go in maybe no one would notice, I slowly open the door and walk in. As soon as I do everyone looks in my direction, great for no one noticing me. I find an empty spot in the front edge close to the teacher as I sit down I look around for a quick second. The red head that I bumped into on the way to the bathroom at the juice place sits right behind me, and some blonde guy sits next to me. "You are late" the teacher says as she looks in my direction, "oh I'm new" I say and she raises a brow as to say that's not a reason. "I couldn't find the classroom I'm sorry" I say as I look at the guy next to me to see what to take out. I grab my notebook and my pencil and some pens. I grab the textbook that's under my desk and whisper to the guy, "what page are we on?", he looks over at me and he has the bluest eyes I have ever seen. "On page 32" he says with a small smile, I smile back, "thank you" I say. We go over some notes, my physics class in California was ahead of this class so it was pretty easy. Toward the end of class, it was only a few minutes to the end of the class, "you guys can have the rest for free time and talk" she says. I put my things away because who am I going to talk to. "Where are you from?" The guy next to me ask as I look up I barely noticed that he has a little Australian accent, "oh I'm from the U.S." I say. He nods "that's a whole different place than Australia, I'm Shane", "I'm Lizzy" respond back. He ran his hair through his dirty blonde hair, "how do you like it so far?" he asks, "as long as I don't see any spiders I'm totally fine". He laughs as well as the girl behind me he looks at her, I turn back to look at her and smile. She smiles back "hi I'm Jennifer" she says, "Lizzy" I say. We all talk and get along quite nicely and me and Jennifer have the same class next period and three other ones, I have three classes with Shane including this one. "Seven classes here in the U.S. it's just-" I start saying, "six" Jennifer says as she finishes my sentence. I just noticed she didn't have an accent, "your from the U.S?" I ask look at her and she nods, "I'm from Texas" she says. The bell rang after she said that, "do you need help finding your locker?" She asks as we get up with Shane right next to us. I nod "yeah took me like 10 minutes trying to find this one" I say with a laugh, she nods "so big for no reason". "How long have you lived in Australia?" I ask, "oh for 3 years about to be four in February so I got here in 8th grade" she answers. We walk to some lockers with three girls standing there, they look like they are friends but not friends at the same time. I see a familiar face and she notices me, "Lizbeth right? hi!" She says with a smile, I smile back "hi Crystal" I say. Shane and Jennifer look confused on how we know each other but I don't tell them how. "Lizbeth this is Avani and Jadelyn and looks like you know who Shane and Jennifer are" Crystal says with a smile, I nod and wave to them and they both say "hi" at the same time. I open my locker and put my stuff inside and close it. It's so weird having lockers. "Looks like you guys found my physics tutor" Avani says as she looks at Shane. "Oh I need to tell you guys what we are doing... after school" Crystal says as she looks at the others. I look at them but don't say anything, we start walking across the grass area to go to where I next classes are at when the sprinklers turn on. Oh no I thought with panic in my face, it looks like I'm not the only one in panic as I look at the other girls. The water hasn't hit us yet but if I run it would look weird. The other girls run they might not like their clothes wet I think to my self. I put my hand close to my said and turn it counterclockwise to go in a different direction. I then put my hand like doing a stiff stop sign and freeze the pipe so when the sprinkler is turning back to me the water stops. I walk out following the girls who just finished running, the other sprinkler turned on and Shane just walked through it like it was nothing. The girls looked at me but said nothing as we all walked to our classes and separated along the way.

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