A Call And A Mall

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This will be the same day as the last chapter!
I'm scared about what y'all are gonna think about this chapter since it's gonna be short.
Anyways hope you enjoy!
Ni-Ki's POV
"Who is this?"
"This is Jay as in Park Jay or Park Jongseong from HYBE High School"
Wait a minute...JAY HYUNG?! How did he get my phone number?
"How'd you get my number?!?" I asked shocked "A little Sunoo told me!~ He also told me your address!~" he sang "wha-? WHY WOULD HE TELL YOU THAT?!"
"Hey calm down, I told him to give me it."
"...U-uhm ok I-i don't care th-that you want my phone number but WHY MY ADRESS?!"

Jay's POV
Dang....I don't know what to say...WHY DID I WANT HIS ADRESS?!
"Well...Uh...Drop-offs and...Hangouts?.."
"Why would anyone want to hang out with you?!"
I scoffed
"Hehe...Anyways I gotta go! Bye my stupid Hyung!"
Beep Beep
Wow...he just hang up on me and called me stupid...How rude!

15 minutes later 3:35
It's been 15 minutes and there is nothing to do in this household. Might as well go to the mall but I don't wanna go alone because girls will recognize me and flirt with me.
I need to take someone...but who?...

All of my friends are hanging out. Someone was supposed to be hanging out with them but couldn't because they weren't feeling the mood hanging out,
And that person was Mr. Nishumura Riki

I have his address so like...Why not?

Ni-Ki's POV
I was doing my homework in the kitchen table when I heard a notification from my phone, it was a text message from....OMG WHAT DOES THIS GUY WANT?!

I'm coming to your house, I'm almost there

Wait what why? What are you doing?

Hyung! What are you doing!

Stop ignoring me!

As soon as I sent that text message, I heard a ring from my doorbell.
I ran as fast as I can to open the door, and when I opened it!

"Sawry" "SORRY?! YOU THREW THAT AT ME!" I got angry but cooled off a few seconds. He gave me a hand and got up.

"Aight, lets go," Jay hyung said.
"I said let's go."
"Go? Go where?!"
"To the mall, lets go."
"Wait I didn't agree to go!"
"Well guess what you're coming with me."
He grabbed my wrist, walking to his car while I was trying to let go but he was holding my wrist to tight to the point my wrist was starting to hurt

"Wait I need to get my wallet hyung!" He then rolled his eyes "fine, I'll come with you to get your stupid wallet."
I ran inside the house and grabbed my wallet out of the kitchen counter. As I grabbed my wallet I heard a clinging sound coming out of my pocket. I was about to walk back to see what I dropped but I decided to forget about it.

15 minutes later... 3:50
Ni-Ki's POV
We arrived at the mall and all of the sudden, Jay hyung decided to say, "Don't bring your wallet." "What?" I said looking confused. "Don't bring your wallet" "I know what you said but why?" "Since I forced you to come here, I'll buy anything you want" he said to me with a straight face.

"So I got my wallet for no reason?" I gave him a "why" face. "Basically yeah," I rolled my eyes in disbelief.
"Let's just go in the mall," I basically was p!$$ed.

I was craving for chocolate fish buns they sell in the bakery in there so to cool down, I'll make Jay hyung buy them.
"I want you buy something for me," I turned to him. "Ok, what do you want?" He questioned.

"Hold out your hand," I smirked. Jay hyung was hesitant, "uhm, ok ah-!" I grabbed his hand, happily speed walking to the bakery, then to where the fish buns, cat buns, dog buns, and many more. I pointed to the fish buns.
"Fish buns?..." Jay hyungraised an eyebrow. I nodded my head happily when he said that.

"Which ones? Strawberry, chocolate, blueberry, sprinkles, or red velvet? (RUSSIAN ROULETTE AH AH AH YEAH!~) "Chocolate, now buy them before I rip your head off!" I demanded.

Jay's POV
"Chocolate, now buy the before I rip your head off!" Ni-Ki demand. I chuckled at his demand and threat then went up to the cashier. "Hi can we have two large packs of chocolate fish buns?"

A few minutes later...
Jay's POV
"Thanks my stupid hyung!" Ni-Ki cheered when I gave him his large packet of fish buns.
"No problem," I smiled at him. "Come on, lets go look at some stores my little hater."

1 hour later...4:55
Jay's POV
I only bought a few clothes and for Ni-Ki, Just snacks, nothing much.
"Hey, Just so you know, we're going to my house," I declared still having my eyes on the road.
"What? Why?" He said having his arms crossed.
"Because, I'm always alone in that household,"
"But I Don't wanna go!"
"To bad,"
"So you're just gonna trap me there?!"
"Why do people even like you?!"
"Because I'm Jay?"
"Ugh! I hate you so much!"
"I hate you too!"
Told ya it was gonna be short.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
✌︎( ◠‿◠ ) ✌︎

I HATE YOU! (JayKi) Enhypen ✔︎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon