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Alvin P.O.V
It was a cold November day, just a few days after Thanksgiving to be precise. My brothers and I were so excited because in only 6 weeks was CHRISTMAS! I really hope I'm able to ask Brittany to the dance this year I thought as we walked back from school and another day of Ms. Smith's boring lectures about that dumb smart stuff (I took that from the episode Missing Ms. Smith). We got home and somehow the Chipettes Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor had beaten us home! "Hi boys!" Brittany called from their tree house. "Ugh! Brittany can you just say hi like a normal person and not so sarcastic?" I asked her annoyed. "Nope sorry Alvin!" she called down. "Ugh fine." I grumble as I walk inside. "Alvin you know you like Britt's sarcasm and sassy attitude" I felt my conscience tell me. How do YOU know what I think and who are you!? I retort. "Because Alvin I'm your conscience. You know the voice inside of you that does nothing but TRY to get you to do the right thing!" I hear my conscience say. Oh that thing I think. Just as I'm about to copy Simon's math homework I hear Dave "ALVIN dinner!" "Alvin!? ALVINNN!" "Okay Dave I'm coming!" I shout back.

(Timeskip after dinner)
I walk upstairs and take out my phone to call Brittany. (CALLS & TEXTS DONE IN BOLD SCRIPT FORM)

I dial her number 330-011-2015

Alvin phone: ring ring
Brittany: Hello
Alvin: Hey Britt it's Alvin
Brittany: Oh you ugh what do you want
Alvin: Well I just wanted to talk to you about something
Brittany: Oh fine but you do know I'm still mad at you for that ruining my hair styler incident right
Alvin: Uh yeah but I really didn't do it
Brittany: Pssh yeah right so what do you want to talk about Alvin
Alvin: Oh um yeah well...
Brittany: Spit it out Alvin I don't have all night
Alvin: Deep breath okay. Well Britt I thought that since well Jeanette is going to the Christmas Ball with Simon and Eleanor is going with Theodore...
Brittany: Just say it okay Alvin
Alvin: OK I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to the dance with me and be my date?
Brittany: Ha what a great joke Alvin well I've got to go byyye
Alvin: But Britt--
Phone call ends

"But it... It wasn't a joke." I stuttered feeling tears start to well up in my eyes. "I really wanted her to go with me."

Brittany P.O.V
"I can't believe that Alvin actually said something that ridiculous and stupid. Me going to the Christmas Ball with that immature jerk Ha. I'd rather go with a trash can then Alvin I thought.

Alvin P.O.V
"I I can't believe she said that. I know I'll text her!" *takes out phone"

Alvin: Brittany its me Alvin. I just want to let you know that it wasn't a joke. I really want you to go with me

Brittany: Oh well let me think about that hmm, sure I'll go

Alvin: Really you'll go with me

Brittany: of course

Brittany: NOT

Alvin: But you just said that you would

Brittany: Don't you know sarcasm when you read it Jerk? Ya know I've never said this to you before but I think now's a good time for ya to here my opinion on you

Alvin: Really what do you think of me

I bet she thinks I'm the most handsome Chipmunk she's ever met and that I'm kind loving caring and compassionate and a real great friend. Yeah that's it maybe she just has something to do the day of the dance.
Alvin thought.

Brittany: I think you are a stupid, idiotic, lazy, selfish, rude, immature jerk who I 100% HATE! And that's the truth!

Alvin: Oh um I get it.

*turns off phone*

"I-I-I can't b-b-believe that Brittany hates me. I thought we were f-f-friends." I say starting to cry.
Hey All! I hope you liked this introduction! I know sad way to start a Christmas story but it had to start somehow. I posted this in the chapter when I originally published it but it didn't show up so I'll say it again.
I was trying to think of a phone number for Alvin to dial and I thought to myself "What if I made the number a secret code related to the show?" Well I looked up episode numbers and air dates and found that Season 1 episode 1 aired for the first time on March 30th 2015 so that is how I got the number 330-011-2015 and here is the secret code, (330)=3/30 as in March 30th. (011)=S1/E1 as in Season 1 episode 1, and 2015 is the year it aired! Clever right? Comment below what you think of my way of making the phone number!

A VERY MERRY CHRISTMUNK PT. 1  (ALVIN X BRITTANY)Where stories live. Discover now