Chapter 14

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Burrowpelt knew that staying in BrookClan for an extended period of time would mean that she would see Fogbreeze at every turn. But she was freaked out by how literal that seemed to be.

"Good morning, Burrowpelt," he would say each morning, striding into the empty apprentice's den where her and Sparrowfeather slept. Now, this wouldn't seem very odd because Fogbreeze was a medicine cat, and he came in every morning to check on Sparrowfeather's bandages, but it was always Fogbreeze. Burrowpelt wondered if Oceanwave had just disappeared, or if Fogbreeze was just looking for excuses to spend time with her. She knew it was the latter.

Now, she did like talking to Fogbreeze. But not with Sparrowfeather. She wanted to kept those two as separate as possible. They really just didn't know how to act around each other, especially now that Sparrowfeather was healing and he could actually hold a conversation.

But alas, she was not so lucky.

As Fogbreeze walked into the den that morning, he seemed a little downcast. He gave her the prey he was holding and went to inspect Sparrowfeather.

"You're going to have a permanent scar on your face, although both your eyes should be working and I've healed it up best I could," Fogbreeze said. "You'll be fine to go back to your Clan this evening at the Gathering."

Oh. He was sad because Sparrowfeather being healed means I'm leaving as well.

"That's wonderful." Burrowpelt forced a smile.

"And Willowstar would like to speak with you, Burrowpelt," Fogbreeze said. "Um, you can finish your food first though." He walked out of the den.

Why does Willowstar want to talk to me? Burrowpelt wondered. The BrookClan leader had already questioned her about the details of the rogue cats that'd attacked them, and Burrowpelt hadn't withheld anything.

"I hope you're planning on sharing that." Sparrowfeather eyed the mouse at her paws.

"Oh, yeah." Glancing down, she realized it wasn't really big enough for the both of them. Oh, Fogbreeze. "Here, you have it, I'm not hungry."

Sparrowfeather gave her a look that meant he knew she was lying, but he didn't push it and ate the mouse.

Burrowpelt said a quite goodbye and pushed her way out of the den. She saw Willowstar at the entrance to what Burrowpelt presumed to be the leader's den. The silver tabby saw her and motioned for Burrowpelt to sit beside her.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Burrowpelt asked, skipping pleasantries.

"Yes," Willowstar said, eyeing her. "I know our Clans haven't been the friendliest,"—Burrowpelt stifled a snort—"But I want you to know that all I've ever wanted is to protect my Clan. I know I can be rash and arrogant, something Oceanwave reminds me of everyday," she said with a small shake of her head. "And I regret attacking EchoClan, truly. I hope now we can work together to get rid of these rogues."

"And why are you telling this to me?"

"You seem like a sensible young warrior," Willowstar said. "And you are Stonestar's daughter, are you not? I hope you'll repeat what I've said to him."

"Of course," Burrowpelt said. "Thank you, Willowstar." Maybe the BrookClan leader wasn't as evil as she had once thought.


A full moon glowed overhead as Burrowpel helped Sparrowfeather over the log bridge. The BrookClan cats had opted for gliding across the frozen river, but Burrowpelt insisted that her and Sparrowfeather take the safer route.

It was still slower going since her Clanmate was still a little wobbly and sore, but he pushed through without much complaint.

"I wonder how worried Griffinwing is," he mused when the reached the end of the bridge.

Burrowpelt hopped down. "She probably tore out all her fur wondering if you were going to live or die."

Sparrowfeather laughed and leapt down beside her. "No, she was probably extremely annoyed and embarrassed that I could do something so stupid."

"But you weren't being stupid," Burrowpelt said seriously. "It was the rogue's who were being stupid.

"I'm glad you think so. But maybe she doesn't see it that way," he said. They fell into silence as they joined up with the BrookClan cats again, nearing the Gathering Hollow.

Burrowpelt could see Dandelionpaw waiting for her near one of the large oaks. She smiled and waved to him with her tail. He waved back, looking relieved that BrookClan hadn't beaten them up while staying there.

She fought the urge to rush forward, and instead slowed to match Sparrowfeather's pace. When they did reach the Gathering Hollow, Dandelionpaw bounded over to her and pressed his nose to her cheek. "I'm so glad you're okay," he said. And, looking slightly awkward, said to Sparrowfeather, "I'm glad you're okay too, I was very worried about you both—"

Sparrowfeather smiled at him. "It's cool, thanks for worrying."

"Uh, yeah," Dandelionpaw mumbled. "Let's go and get settled."

The trio filed into the gathered cats, closer to the medicine cat group, and waited as Willowstar and Barkstar joined Stonestar on the Fallenoak.

Stonestar began, his words vague, not revealing the sickness that they were suffering of. Willowstar went next with a similar report, but Burrowpelt noticed she seemed to not suggest anything about BrookClan being stronger than the other Clans. I guess cats can change.

When it came to Barkstar, the FernClan leader said, "Unfortunately we seem to have caught an unfamiliar sickness. I was hoping maybe that your medicine cats would know what it is?"

Everyone seemed a little shocked by his honesty and Burrowpelt wondered if he realized he'd overshared.

"Well, describe to us the symptoms," Stonestar suggested, trying to cover up the awkwardness.

"Sore throat, patients were also very hot, like having a really bad fever," Barskstar said promptly.

Stonestar stared for a second before answering, "We've been having similar issues," he admitted. "But we believe we've found the cure and we'll deliver some to you as early as we can tomorrow.

Barkstar thanked him, and the Gathering concluded.

"You've found the cure?" Burrowpelt asked Dandelionpaw excitedly.

"Well Aster found it." At her confused expression he continued. "Oh right. So turns out the father of Phoenixwing's kits is this kittypet named Aster and he knows the cure to flamecough—which is what the sickness is called—and we went to get some a couple days ago."

"Oh, wow." Burrowpelt wasn't really sure what she was supposed to say. "Too bad I missed all that."

"Oh well, we missed it together," Sparrowfeather said, nudging her affectionately.

Burrowpelt sighed, smiling. "I'm sure we'll be all caught up by the time we get back to camp."

Lost Hope: Book 3: Flame and Snowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن