Chapter 6

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Lilackit didn't like not being able to see. She liked being aware of everything and everyone at all times. And yet here she was, surrounded in darkness. Her senses seemed to be blocked and the noises that she could hear were extremely unsettling and unfamiliar. The fur on the back of her spine was up, her tail twitched back and forth in agitation, and she was spinning her head so fast she thought she might pass out.

She tried to take a deep and calming breath, to recollect herself, but her body would not stop shaking and what came in and out were ragged gasps.

"What's got you so frightened little one?" a voice from the shadows startled her, and she twisted around to catch a glimpse of the speaker.

"Who is that?" Lilackit whined, trying not to shrink beneath tall and scraggly trees that loomed around her. I can't make them think I'm weak. But it was becoming more and more difficult.

"It's just me." Viperfang emerged from the dark fog, her pupils as pointed and eerie as her namesake's. "And it seems you've still failed to collect what I've asked for?" She didn't sound angry but Lilackit still flinched away from her.

"We've. . . been having a little trouble," Lilackit admitted quietly. "But we're only kits!" she felt herself grow braver. "We can't just waltz into Stonestar's den and take it!"

Viperfang's gaze hardened. "Of course you can. You, of all cats, should be able to sneak in and get away with it. No one would suspect you of misdeeds like that."

"And if we get, you'll let us meet our dad?" Lilackit needed more reassurance. She wasn't exactly sure how Viperfang was going to make that happen, she was pretty secretive about her abilities.

The tabby she-cat let out a croaky purr. "Of course. Just get the pearl for me."

The dreamy atmosphere faded and Lilackit jolted upright, almost falling over. She let out a breath and glanced down at her brother, still fast asleep beside her.

Making a split second decision, she prodded him hard and he blinked open his blue eyes wide. "Wha. . . ?"

"Come on!" she whisper-shouted, dragging him up by his scruff. "We're getting the pearl right now."

"Right now?" Foxkit groaned sleepily. "Let's just go back to bed."

"Right now!" Lilackit tried to contain her anger. If Viperfang wanted the pearl in exchange to see their father, they were going to get it right now. Why was that so hard to understand?

And suddenly, Phoenixwing was awake. "What is going on? Lilackit! Go back to sleep!" Her tone was tired and irritable. Lilackit silently cursed Foxkit, but to her mother she nodded and curled up again.

Tomorrow night, she promised herself.

Lost Hope: Book 3: Flame and SnowWhere stories live. Discover now