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Warning: Blood

I hug my knees to my chest, trying to compose myself. I can't be here crying. I need to find a way out of the maze. I survived it once, I can do it again.

I stand, using the vines on the wall to pull me up. I debate climbing them again, but before I can wrap the vines around my wrist, I hear a loud screech.

I slowly turn to see a large griever at the end of the hall. I audibly gulp before it charges.

Not having enough time to secure myself to the vines, I dodge around the griever and run past it.

The griever screeches again and takes off in hot pursuit.

I'm tried after the long day and I can feel it catching up to me. My movements are sluggish and I'm barely keeping ahead of the griever.

I turn the corner and with no other option, grab onto a vine and pull myself up.

I start climbing, protesting against my screaming muscles.

I climb and climb, but apparently not far enough as the griever reaches up and drags me down.

Its blade pierces through my leg and I scream.

It whips me around the walls and I can feel bones crack. I scream again, trying to fight back, but it throws me around like a rag doll.

Eventually, I manage to squirm out of its grip and start to crawl away. I try to stand, but my legs gives out. The blood creates a steady stream down my leg, making it seem like a red river.

The griever, knowing it's winning, shrieks triumphantly. It picks me up again and throws me once more against the wall.

I groan, not being able to yell out anymore. My energy depletes even more as I feel even more bones break.

The griever leaves as I fade to unconsciousness.

Newt pov

I pace back and forth in front of the walls, waiting for sunlight. I refused to go to bed, but ordered that Thomas take Ana and Alex to sleep.

Minho, Alby, and Gally have rotated out watching me.

I can't rest.

I can't think.

I should've done something to help or stop her or stop Ana from going into the maze. I should've done something.

Throughout the night I hear Y/n's screams mixing in with the grievers and it breaks my heart. I can't help her. She can't-

I can't even think the word.

She can't be gone.

Ana needs her.

We need her.

I need her.

Tears race down my cheeks like a river every time her screams ring out. They echo throughout the glade, surely waking some boys.

At some point, Ana wakes up to her sisters screams and starts crying along.

Around half-way through the night, the screams stop. A griever shriek ends them.

I stop my pacing for a little to stare at the walls.

What's going on?

Is she alright?

She can't die.

I try and think of a way to help her. I could climb the walls, but I'm not sure my leg would let me do that, much less Minho or Alby. I might be able to throw something over the walls, like a rope, but I would need to throw it really far, and who knows if she's even still by the entrance at this point?

I try and think of something else to do, but there seems to be nothing.

I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Feeling powerless and helpless. (Helplesssss! Oh look at those eyes and the sky's the limit I'm- I'll stop.)

Finally, finally, day comes and the sun peeks out. Minho and Thomas come with their backpacks and a grim look on their faces, and I can't help but get a sense of deja vu.

I can only hope that Y/n is waiting on the other side like last time.

The doors rumble open, and I peek inside the maze.


My heart drops, and without thinking, I run in.


"Newt!" Thomas, Minho, and Alby shout after me.

I hear Minho and Thomas run after me, but I twist and turn though the walls, desperate for any sign of Y/n.

I turn a corner and skid to a stop.


Y/n lies there in a pool of blood.

I drop to my knees, "No." I whimper. I crawl forward, letting the blood stain my hands and legs. I carefully bring Y/n up to my chest and try to listen for a heartbeat. Her fingers are ice and her face cold and pale.

"Oh my god." I hear someone behind me.

I turn my head to see Thomas and Minho standing there, shocked.

Tears and snot run down my face, mixing with her blood.

I listen for Y/n's pulse again, and I gasp.

It's very faint, but it's there.

"She's alive." I whisper, "She's alive!" I scream.

"Really?" Minho asks, "It's been what? Seven or eight hours since her last scream? It shouldn't be physically possible for her to bleed out for that long."

"Just help me!" I cry.

Minho and Thomas carefully lift Y/n up and carry her back to the glade.

Alby and the rest of the gladers stand at the door, waiting. The second they see us come around the corner, Alby starts shouting orders.

Everyone disperses and yells fill the glade.

Minho, Thomas, and I bring Y/n to the med-hut, people trailing behind us.

I see Alex and Ana at the edge of the glade, worried looks plastered onto their faces.

Minho and Thomas hand Y/n off to Jeff and Clint and they quickly carry her up the stairs. I try to follow, but Alby stops me.

"Newt." He says sternly, "You can't go up there. We need to get you cleaned up."

"No!" I choke out, "I have to go with her!"

Alby looks like he might try arguing, but eventually he nods tiredly.

I scurry up the stairs in time to see Jeff and Clint rushing around.

Clint nods once at me, and I pull up a stool next to Y/n.

She lies there, stone cold and hardly breathing. She looks dead.

I clasp her hand and bend over it, "Wake up." I say quietly, "Please Y/n, please."

It all started with a threat (Newt x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now