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Newt pov

Alby, Thomas, Minho, and I stand by the walls, waiting for them to open. I couldn't sleep well last night, listening to the sounds of baby Ana crying and wailing from within the walls.

"Alright." Alby says, turning to Thomas and Minho, just as the walls start to scrap open, "You know what to do. But, try to look for the child. The girl might've hidden her when she found out about the grievers. And if you find any remains of the girl, cut your route short and come back."

Thomas and Minho nod solemnly. Even Minho can't crack a joke today. It's bad that we lost a potential glader, but it's worse that we lost a child.

The wall opens all the way and we turn towards it, expecting nothing but the maze waiting for us.

Instead, there stands the teenage girl, blood dripping down her head, her clothes torn at the joints, vines wrapped around her body, a happy baby resting on her hip, and a dead griever behind her.

"Well," The girl says, "You coulda told me that there were monsters in there."

Minho clicked his tongue and swung back to look at me, "I found her. Do I get a point?"


"How did you escape?"

"It's not our fault that we couldn't tell you about the grievers, you didn't give us a chance!"

"But we heard screaming last night!"

Alby stares at the girl, "What's your name?" He asks.

The girl smirked, "I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you all." You bounced Ana on her hip, "And this is Ana, my sister. The screaming was her. I don't know if teenage boys know anything about toddlers, but they scream or cry when something is wrong. She's probably just hungry or tired."

"But how did you escape?" Thomas asked, "Minho and I are the only ones to have ever made it through a night in the maze. All the others died."

Y/n stared at us, "That's cause they weren't girls. You boys are either lucky, or dumb. And I would think the latter."

Minho looked Y/n up and down, "You." He pointed at her, "I like you."

Y/n smiled, "Thanks."

Ana started to cry, and she grabbed onto Y/n, making the teenage girl inhale sharply, "Right." Y/n says, "Hungry."

"Fry can whip something up for you." Alby says, "Newt," He turns to me, crossing his arms, "Will ya ask her more about her night while I get this little shank something to eat?" He nods towards Ana.

"Sure." I smile.

"Wait." Y/n says as Alby starts to walk away, "Could you take her?" She holds out Ana, and when Alby looks at her, eyes wide, she adds, "Please."

Alby nods and lifts Ana out of Y/n's arms. He walks towards the kitchens, Thomas following behind, both whispering frantically.

"Minho," I say, "Go do your route, but cut it off short just a little. I believe we might have a bonfire celebration tonight."

"You got it!" He mock salutes me and turns to Y/n, winking at her, "Hope to see you tonight." He turns, and runs off, leaving me and Y/n behind, all while carefully avoiding the dead griever.

Once he's out of our sight, Y/n walks over to the edge of the wall and slumps down against it. She runs a hand through her hair and sighs. I smile softly and sit next to her, "What happened in there?" I ask.

She looks at me with dark circles under her eyes and starts talking.

Y/n pov

I sit against the ground and let myself relax for the first time in nine hours. Newt comes and sits down next to me.

"What happened in there?" He asks softly.

I smile, but can feel exhaustion starting to overcome me. I shift uncomfortably, feeling some pain in my chest, but say nonchalantly, "Oh, you know. Went in there- what is that by the way? A maze or something?- found a "griever" as you all call it, and decided to start climbing. Apparently, they aren't the best at climbing cause when I made it to the top, I just dropped my knife, and kicked it off. Gravity took over and killed it."

Newt look at me, "Impressive!" He said, "You might be a good runner..."

"Yeah yeah." I say, "Just can you tell me what that is?" I point back to the walls.

"You were right. It's a maze. At some point or another, we all came up in the box without memories. We're stuck in here and are currently trying to find a way out, but no such luck."

"Ah." I'm not sure what else to say. It's a lot to take in, and after a night in the maze, I would just like a good nights sleep and some food.

Newt, seemingly reading my mind, stands and says, "Why don't we get you some food?" I notice that he shifts his weight onto one leg, and thinking back, I realize he has a limp. I wonder where he got it from.

"Food would be great." I say.

I use the wall to stand, but feel a wave of nausea overcome me. I gag, and sway on my feet, black spots appearing in the corner of my eyes.

"Y/n?" I hear Newt ask, but he sounds far away. I feel him try to steady me, but it doesn't do any good.

"Y/n!" I hear him say more urgently, before darkness overcomes me and I black out.

It all started with a threat (Newt x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now