
"Can we watch one of our recent videos?"

"Oh yeah sure."

She saved her file and closed her music making software and opened YouTube. Letting Jake type in the keywords, the video popped up at the top. He clicked on it and sat on the chair beside her to watch. Amidst watching it, Y/N spoke up.

"Ah shit here we go again."

"Wait what happened?"

Jake turned to her as she covered her eyes

"Do you ever see yourself in videos?"

"Why, Ms. Y/N?"

"Stop flirting with the camera, deadass."

"And why is that, is it too much for your little heart?"

Y/N turned to face away from Jake, she didn't want him to see her flushed pink cheeks. Yes it was too much for her heart. He would constantly bite his lips and look at the camera, as if it was meant for her. But she did not want to hurt herself anymore.

Well, he must be in love with someone. Surely. The K-pop industry has so many beautiful girls, why would he even bat an eye at me?

She closed YouTube and plugged the headphones again, opening the application she exited from before having her leisure time.

"HEY- why did you switch it off?"

"Just let me work, okay?"

"Huh, you cannot be working more than PDogg PD nim. Aren't you just co-producing the song? I don't see why you're so stressed about it."

She scoffed and turned back to her computer.

"Whatever keeps me alive, Jake. I don't care if I work more than them or not, I work. I produce music because I promised to myself that I'll devote my life to music. Though both of us wanted to be idols, I was unlucky. And no matter how many times people around me tell me that this won't reserve me a good future, I don't care. I'm doing what I love, I don't care if I'm rich or not. Unlike you, I actually have to fully focus on what I'm doing right now instead of annoying anyone."

Jake kept quiet in shock, not really understanding what Y/N said. But he decided not to make her angry anymore.

"Leave, now."

He did as told, left the room. Y/N went back to her work, but she couldn't wrap her head around the track anymore. Everything felt tough, and she started regretting what she said to Jake. 

She could not face him for the next week, nor could he. Whenever they met, none of them spoke and just went on their own ways. But they could not avoid each other at the Christmas Eve company party.

Jake tapped his feet impatiently as his group members Jay and Niki looked at him. What was he so nervous for?

"Hyung, who are you waiting for?"

"Huh? Nobody."

"It surely isn't nobody, Jake. You've been tap dancing on one foot for the last 15 minutes."

His feet stopped as he leaned back and sipped his drink. And just when he was thinking about her, she entered. 

Her ankle length dress was bedazzled and those high heels just fit her perfectly. Her hair was tied in a bun, with some wispy strands hanging on the side of her face. Her skin was shining, as if she applied highlighter all over her body.

In Jake's eyes, she was the most beautiful woman in the room. But she...she was anxious. She was anxious about not fitting in with the women. All of them were idols, all of them were pretty. And she felt out of place, not being one. 

Y/N spotted Pdogg and talked with him for a bit about the project. He thanked her for taking part in producing a song for ENHYPEN, to which she uncomfortably showed gratitude. After she was left alone, she decided to walk out to the balcony.

As it was December, the wind was cold. But luckily she had a cardigan on top of her thin full sleeved dress to protect her from the chill. She let out a sigh, the hot breath turned into white steam in the low temperature.


Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned back to meet the only person she did not want to talk to after their small argument. She turned to look at the city again. It was lit with Christmas-ey vibes and everything seemed so perfect, except the relation between them.


"I'm sorry, for that day. I said some stuff without understanding your situation."

"It's alright, at least you understood."

Jake came forward and stood beside her, supporting himself on the edge of the balcony.

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks, but I cannot possibly look beautiful when there are literal women of kpop in this party. They're more pretty than me."

"Well to me, you look beautiful."

Y/N looked down to hide her flushed face again. Jake brushed a tiny strand of hair from her face when she looked up and met eyes with him. Right at that moment, she felt something wet falling on her nose. Wiping it, she rubbed her fingers together to feel the cold sensation.


Both Y/N and Jake looked up and to their surprise, it was the first snow of the year. Remembering the myth connected to spending the first snow of the year with someone, they blushed. 

Jake encouraged himself to make the first move, and held her hand.



Both of them stopped after interrupting each other and laughed at it.

"You first."

"No you."

"Come on, ladies first Y/N."

"Okay then."

Y/N cleared her throat and looked up at Jake, eye to eye.

"I know you might not feel the same, and you might be wanting to ghost me for the rest of my life and that's absolutely fine if you want to do that, but I have to say this or else I won't be able to sit down quietly. I like you, I've liked you since 7th grade. I think you did not take it seriously because we were kids, but I had serious feelings about you. Now, if you do not feel the same about me, tell me. Just don't hurt me..."

Tears which were formed at the corner of her eyes finally gave up and started to fall down her cheeks. Jake quickly pulled out his handkerchief and softly patted it on her cheeks to wipe her tears and not ruin her makeup.

"Hey...you don't need to cry. I completely understand how you feel. In fact, I have felt the same for you too recently. My other friends would treat me differently because I became an idol, but you always treated me like I was that same Jake who accidentally flipped your pastry back in baking classes."

Y/N giggled at the memory of Jake destroying her decorated pastry. She held his hands, still on her cheeks. Jake softly smiled at her, which in turn made her smile.

"And what I wanted to say is that...I feel the same towards you too. I like you too Y/N."

And in that moment of experiencing the first snow of the year, they secured their lips together.

ENHYPEN+I-LAND+&TEAM IMAGINES [oneshots](discontinued temporarily)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें