Chapter 27

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Seated next to Howard as the two completed their usual Saturday ritual: Anneliese rushing out the door with her bag filled with paperwork to the shiny red car sitting in her empty driveway, a  smirking Howard Stark was behind the wheel. It was always like this now, he would pick her up. It was sweet and it was nice.

It was an intimate that Anneliese knew how to handle.

Ruffling through her paperwork, Anneliese made use of the dashboard to hold all the documents she wanted to review before she entered the office. Knowing she would not be having the full-day to work on project rebirth and the numerous other communications she was dealing with.

Especially since Howard and Alexander were in discussion with the president on another top secret project, that Anneliese was far too happy to decline to lead. One was enough. She had plenty on her plate, considering the candidate, Steven Rogers, was to arrive on base on Monday. On top of all that, she was also expected to attend Alexander Grey's birthday dinner, his ball, his party and some sort of sick surprise he was keeping from not only herself, but his best friend Howard Stark.

Huffing in her seat as she scanned over the financial documents Harold has sent to her office late last night. It seemed that the rating for Stark Industrials had stopped moving; it was neither increasing or decreasing. And that was terrifying. With that, Harold had circled the decreased profits in the automobile department. It was only by a few dollars, but if left unchecked, it could turn into something so much worse.

And Anneliese did not like lost profits.

Squinting her eyes over the numbers, she ignored Howard's laugh as she continued to read them. Noticing that the decrease in numbers came from Howard's latest vehicle, something about men not being interested in a green car. She'd need to bring up to Howard that bright colours weren't the best choice for future models.  

The car came to an erupt stop, causing all her paperwork to go flying from the dashboard and her lap. Crumpling and messing up all her documents that she had meretriciously sorted from most important to least last night. Within an instant, Anneliese turned around to face Howard. Far too quickly, her eyes blinded by hatred that hours of sorting through tedious paperwork was lost, she was not aware that Howard had leaned over to look at her work. Or, the work that was now scattered on the foot-space below her.  

Crashing into his nose, Anneliese let out a shrill cry as she move away from him, clutching her nose almost instantly. Involuntarily, tears appeared to begin forming in her waterline as she hissed in pain. 

Snapping her eyes to meet Howard, who had doubled backwards and was also clutching his forehead. He looked murderous, but fear glinted in his eyes. 

She must look beyond murderous, because she sure felt a looming wrath begging to seek vengenes against Howard.

"What the fuck was that for Anneliese!" Howard exclaimed, rubbing his forehead with his palm.

Huffing, Anneliese still clucthed her nose, "I did nothing!" she screeched. Her thoughts pegging a plan to poison him at work, the perfect solution. "You're the one that stopped so suddenly!"

Both instantly stopped glaring as Anneliese's words carried weight.

Howard had indeed stopped rather suddenly.

And that was when they both realised that they were at the cafe that serves the best blueberry muffins they'd ever eaten.

So, without a second thought, the two quietly left the car and walked towards the cafe. No words were exchanged as Howard opened the door for Anneliese, a small DING alerting that they had entered. 

Chemical Poison . Howard StarkWhere stories live. Discover now