Chapter 10

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She left her family home earlier than normal. She caught the bus earlier than normal and she arrived earlier than normal. Not because she was a dedicated worker (of course more dedicated than Alexander on a good day), but to avoid the hundreds of stares she would receive from employees, the strangers on the bus and her neighbors.

With her office already packed up and Miss Cotton comfortably set up, Anneliese made home to one of the empty, and old meeting room that hadn't been used for months. The walls were made of glass windows, and everyone could see exactly what she was doing. There was no privacy at Stark Industrials. 

It had been weeks since her father joined the cause. Not that she was a massive fan of this fact. 

On Monday's she attended the usual Stark Industrial meetings, and then discuss with Harold Lockes about increasing the wages of those who were working on the machinery for the SSR. Of course, this discussion ended with Anneliese overseeing Howard and her fathers plans to begin the construction for the machinery the military required. From the serum injected, to jets and planes and so many more. The Americans always over demanded.

On Tuesdays, Alexander would spend half the day in her office as they both worked on the important paperwork that Howard was behind in, because all hands were needed to build everything on time. Especially Howards, no one seemed to match the steadiness in his fingers when he had a hammer and metal in his hand. The two would go to a cafe for lunch, a bagel for Anneliese and a toasted sandwich for Alexander and the two would discuss purposely loud about their family and relationship.

By Wednesday, Miss Cotton would be crying in her office, begging Anneliese to help her manage all the press calling them non-stop and storming the building. Every week, Anneliese had to help the new press securtary on how to handle not only the press but what the other employees say to them. Miss Cotton, of course was an excellent employee, but she worked so much better with Anneliese, and so did she. The two, though no friendship formed, were excellent at the job when they were both there.

And now, Miss Cotton was on her own. Of course she would come crying.

With the serum's secret, Abraham refused anyone to help him create it with him. So, on Thursday's Anneliese supervised him, informing him that regardless of the secrecy, Stark Industrials requires to know every step of the Serum. It was an undisclosed agreement between Mr Stark and the President. If Abraham wanted the security and equipment to create the serum, he had to allow someone to supervise him. 

Meetings followed by press conferences followed by arguing with Agent Carter about when Abraham should start looking into a subject was her Friday's. Agent Carter, or Peggy, thought they should start looking immediately, the American's already supporting the allies in the war.  Anneliese believed no one would willingly join a deadly experiment if America wasn't offically part of the war.

And to deal with all the stress, Howard would take her to a new exclusive restaurant for dinner, where they would arrive together and leave together. The press seemed to pick up on the pattern the two curated, and slowly they turned from 'Lovers working together', to 'Stark's power couple'. It was a cliche, however Anneliese knew this may ruin her reputation - her cover from her family in Germany. But as a former press secretary, she knew that Miss Cotton should milk this new phrase. Because any any press (specifically good press) is what Stark Industrials needed.

This pattern was the same, all the way though their birthdays, and past November until it all changed.

It was a Sunday and Anneliese was calmly walking to her office when Miss Young came rushing down the corridor towards her. Staring at her horrified, Miss Young was breathing roughly, the words unable to pass her mouth, but it was enough for Anneliese to follow her quickly towards the office.

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