Chapter 21

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Anneliese had never been more outraged in her entire life. Upon entering the Expo, she was already annoyed that she had to argue her way through security to let her in. This annoyance grew as she saw the state of the Expo, she couldn't fathom just how much had been messed up. Specifically the green panels, certainly the green panels.

As she walked through the crowd of running construction workers and avoiding the questions yelled by some of the business men within the expo. Anneliese arrived at the podium where Howard would present his prototype.

It was all wrong.

Opening her small pink handbag from the clasp, Anneliese searched for the layout plan she had sent to Harold Lockes to follow. Every second her eyes would jump from the blueprint to what was in front of her and notice the smallest mistakes - ignoring that the stage was at least a foot too tall.

Making eye contact with one of the construction workers, he swiftly made his way to Anneliese.

"Who's your boss?", she asked.

Without a response, he dashed to receive him.

And with the head construction officer came Alexander Gray with a cup of coffee in his hand. Meeting his eyes, she watched as he waggled his eyes before continuing his conversation with the man. Obviously stressed, Anneliese watched the man dap at his forehead as the two eventually made it to where she was standing.

"And who are you?", the man asked. She could see that his race was flushed red, either from the heat or the stress.

Providing a smile out of necessity, Anneliese begun.

"Did Mr Lockes show you this blueprint?", she asked. Passing him the piece of paper with very explicit details written all over it.

The man scratched the back of his neck as he gazed over a layout plan he had already seen. Anneliese's lips tighten as he passed it back to her, nodding.

"And does this set up look anything like the blueprint?"

He didn't make a sound or a move.

Folding the piece of paper up carefully, Anneliese made a point to stare directly into his eyes. Her brutal beady black eyes.

"Stark Industrials does not accept average, Mr?"

"Mr Todd," Alexander filled in.

Sending him a smile, Anneliese returned to glare at the construction worker.

"Mr Todd, the work your company is below satisfactory. As written in your contract, you will not pay for your service if it does not meet the standards upheld by Stark Industrials," her voice coldly spoken. Moving her hands to the front of herself, resting on top of  one another, she continued.

"By law, we're legally obligated to pay your men the bare minimum. But the law of the day means I can sue your company for every cent you wasted from Stark Industrials, and it certainly means I can inform the press of your incompetence. If I was you, I would be informing your men to work quicker - ensuring they get a cut of your wage. As we will not be paying you for today's work, it's a consequence of the mess you made."

Mr Todd went to protest, but after years of working with men exactly like him, Anneliese had anticipated it.

"I can authorise for your company's dismissal if you wish. Yet my threat remains, I have often been informed that Stark Industrials are ruthless in the courtroom."

He left quickly. Perfect.

Sighing, Anneliese kept her eyes to the ground for a few seconds. Taking a deep breath before she lifted them and met Alexander's grin.

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