Chapter Thirteen - Liam

Start from the beginning

"Welcome, everyone, to the party of the century!" Theo shouts, grinning. "The reason we decided to throw this party is – well, aside from the fact that we're just straight-up awesome – because we have some special news we want to share." He turns to me and grins.

"We, Liam and the Landmarks, will be performing in a couple weeks at the Colorado Music Festival at the Red Rocks!"

A cheer erupts from the crowd, which has easily reached two hundred people.

"Before we get started, I want to give a special shout out to our lead singer, songwriter, and rock-god, Liam! This band would be nothing if it weren't for him. C'mon, everybody, put your hands together!"

With an awkward smile, I offer a wave as my peers cheer and clap.

"And now, let's hear it for Will, the handsome devil on the keys over there. Oh and by the way, ladies... he's single. C'mon let's give it up for Will!"

Cheers and applause again.

"Last, but not least, give it up for Jace. He's a pain in my neck, but boy can the guy drum!"

Cheers and applause again.

"Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... we are LIAM AND THE LANDMARKS."

Cheers and applause. Again.

Theo throws the strap of his bass around his neck as I start the countdown and Jace leads into our opening song with the drums.

Fast songs aren't my favorite to write, but boy are they fun to play.

I gave you all I had

and then I gave you some more. Oh-oh.

I fought a little harder,

didn't know it was a war. Oh-oh.

It isn't my fault if I wasn't enough for you-ou.

I'm gonna move on, gonna move on,

gonna move on now.

I'm better off now, better off now,

better off without you.

As the song ends, I swing away from the mic and smile back at my bandmates and I feel so, so very alive.

We transition into our next song and my eyes find Stacy as she winds her way through the mass of students to the very front, ignoring the rude stares of the people she pushes past. Right at the edge of the rug-slash-stage, she stands and smiles at me, clapping along to the rhythm of the drums. I grin as I sing out the first verse, voice low and raspy.

After our third song, we take an intermission and the crowd disperses. I beeline for Stacy and pull her to myself, kissing her.

"Hey, babe," I say, pulling away. Arms around her middle, we sway slowly to the music in the background. Journey's "Faithfully" always gets to me.

"Hey," she says, smiling up at me, her dark hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. For a while we just look into each other's eyes and sway to the music. Then, Theo comes up and offers each of us a cup of beer. Stacy shakes her head and holds up the cup of water she's already been drinking.

"You know Stacy doesn't drink, Theo," I say. "But I do."

Shoving one into my hand, Theo raises his cup and toasts, "To the Landmarks."

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